"Proved at last: Men really are idiots"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Finally! A scientific explanation for Johnny Knoxville — he of “Jackass” fame — and the fans who keep him at his dangerous and moronic antics: Male Idiot Theory.

New research has rigorously tested Male Idiot Theory, which posits that, well, men are idiots and are driven to take ridiculous risks despite the clear prospects for self-harm, and for no defensible reason. Newly published by the venerable British Medical Journal (in its annual BMJ Christmas issue), the landmark study has shown that Male Idiot Theory holds up under strictly scientific scrutiny.

While the latest research does confirm that males can be idiots, it fails to shed light on a larger mystery that has preoccupied this correspondent since girlhood, growing up in a household with six brothers: How did these idiots ever convince the non-idiot gender that they were somehow superior (and worthy of earning close to 30% more, on average, in the United States)?'

Related: Male Idiot Theory: Men Are Idiots, According To Women

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And men invented the devices on which the Church Lady-like author types out her misandrist missives, along with almost everything else around her.

But gee, maybe it was just some fun on her part. Well, she airs the wage gap myth, but that's to be expected of a feminist, I suppose. I mean, a man writing an equally insulting essay abt women-as-moronic-shallow-creatures would be met with as much guffaws and knee-slapping as this sort of thing -- right?


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"Winners of the Darwin Awards, which are handed out at random times and almost always posthumously, must be found to have died (or to have sterilized themselves) in the conduct of activity that is so stupid, pointless and predictably self-destructive that they can truly be said to have done humanity a great service. By removing themselves from the human gene pool, the awards note, these honorees have done their part to eliminate impediments to the sustained survival of humankind."

Not so fast.

Women are doing their bit to improve the gene pool by eliminating defective bearers of said genes. One way of doing this is infanticide, historically more often done by women than men. And whatever you may think about abortion--it does subtract from the gene pool.

The woman may have decided she's done something stupid, or slept with somebody stupid (both may be true).So, if there's a genetic component to stupidity,this works.

However common infanticide or abortion may be, neither one is particularly funny.

So there will be no Women's Division of the Darwin Awards.

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Chuck I am not sure how serious you were about your abortion comment, but I just want to add, my take on abortion effecting the gene pool.

I don't think women who have abortions are doing their part to improve the gene pool. I think the opposite. I think it is babies with the most potential that are being aborted. A baby most likely to be aborted is that of a female college student who is impregnated by a male college student. The mother may not even inform the father of her pregnancy and subsequent abortion even if he is a long term boyfriend. What I see are parents who have the most capabilities to provide and care for their children choose to abort unplanned pregnancies, and parents with the least capabilities choose to birth unplanned pregnancies.

Also note that young mothers make healthier babies with less genetic disorders compared to older mothers.

I don't think giving women so much choice has been good for the human species.

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The problem is not so much choice but TOO much choice.

We let them do whatever they want even if the cost to society itself is huge.

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indeed, the emperor wears no clothes.

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