The Sexodus, Part 2: Dishonest Feminist Panics Leave Male Sexuality In Crisis

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sexual dysfunction is not unique to the twenty-first century—nor, certainly, to the West. Japan's "herbivores"—men who shun sex and prefer saving money and going on long walks to riding motorcycles and flirting with girls—have been well documented and are regarded by social scientists as the best example of male sexuality turning in on itself.

But although the sexodus, a new retreat into solitude by Western males, has a different flavour to it and dramatically different aetiology from previously observed social crises, many characteristics are identical. And what's troubling about men throwing in the towel in both East and West is the rapidity with which the malaise is spreading across entire generations, fuelled not just by sexual dissatisfaction but also the economic and educational pressures felt by so many young boys. 
What strikes a lot of women as strange is how rational and systematic so much of this decision-making is by men. Many young men literally perform a cost-benefit analysis and decide that women aren't worth the hassle. It's girls who lose out in this scenario: men don't need the sustained emotional intimacy that comes with a fulfilling sexual relationship and can retreat into masturbatory pursuits, prostitution and one-night stands much more comfortably.

But that's exactly what it is, from a male point of view: a rational opting out from education, work and marriage by men who have had enough, as a remarkable book by Dr Helen Smith called Men on Strike warned in July last year. (The consensus on this stuff is growing rapidly.) 

Men, driven, as many of them like to say, by fact and not emotion, can see that society is not fair to them and more dangerous for them. They point to the fact that they are more likely to be murder victims and more likely to commit suicide. Women do not choose to serve in the Armed Forces and they experience fewer deaths and injuries in the line of work generally.

Women get shorter custodial sentences for the same crimes. There are more scholarships available to them in college. They receive better and cheaper healthcare, and can pick from favourable insurance packages available only to girls. When it comes to children, women are presumed to be the primary caregiver and given preferential treatment by the courts. They have more, better contraceptive options.'

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its helped me a lot in life, when facing life altering decisions like whether or not to go to college or maybe go to a tech school, get married or go solo, retire, take a job in another city, and so forth, to make a simple list of pro's vs con's. the hard part is how to be impartial when looking at each side.

if thinking of getting married, men now have a whole new list of reasons not to get married. its really just simple logic for most guys. if, thanks to women's desire to control everything and feel they require all the power in a relationship as well as all the sexual control, then the con list will naturally get longer and longer as the marriages grow shorter and shorter.

most women won't admit it but they have brought this upon themselves. they haven't stood up for men, just the opposite. man hating and a lack of respect for men is off the charts. from t.v. commercials to shows and movies, male hatred is front and center. is it warranted? no more than mass hatred of any other group, which has happened, and we are paying for that every day as well.

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