Proposed Legislation Would Make ‘Rape By Fraud’ A Crime In New Jersey

Article here. Excerpt:

'A New Jersey lawmaker has a plan that would make it a crime to lie in order to sleep with someone.
The assemblyman has introduced a bill that would make lying to get someone to have sex equal to rape.
Under the bill, it would require more than a little white lie to land you in jail. The lies would have to be continuous and rise to a high level of deceit.

“When you are told lies of identity, you’re basically having a sexual relationship with a person who is a total stranger,” Joyce Short said.

Short supports the bill. She claims she was deceived for years by her now ex-husband.

“He lied about his marital status, he lied about his education. He said he had a bachelor’s in accounting from NYU and was, in fact, a high school dropout,” Short said.'

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... but in practice?

A clear and independently confirmable pattern of deceit around significant details re oneself would need to be demonstrated. But isn't this already illegal? Defrauding someone via misrepresentation is already illegal. Just apply it to cases like these.

But maybe the issue is that indeed, the pattern of fraud and misrepresentation must actually be shown to exist unequivocally. And, there has to be corroboration. Will this law be interpreted to require proof beyond reasonable doubt?

And to call it rape? Actual victims of rape by coercion, drugging, or actual, true inability to consent, are to be named w/ this same category? I concur that pattern deceit in a rel'p is a form of fraud. Question is, should that be translated into rape? Or how abt "unofficial" rel'ps, as in bf/gf or just one night stands? Is the man who tells a woman in a bar he's a Navy fighter pilot, or something else, and she later beds him mostly b/c she likes the idea of bedding a fighter pilot also guilty of rape and not being a liar?

Does it, or should it, buy 8-10 in the klink? How abt any other kind of deception of any kind, even if immaterial to the matter? If "material" is being defined by the complainant, then really, no one's safe. So what standard will the law adopt, or doesn't it matter, since judges have the actual say re the law's applicability.

And does anyone think it'll be used vs. women in all but the most egregious cases? I don't

Great in theory. In practice, it looks like another feminist jurisprudential Trojan horse.

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I wish I had time... exams to grade.

But I am so tempted to write a satirical piece on a movement to ban Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni." It is the story of a man who seduces women...

Clearly, this opera is a rape manual.

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If a woman falsely claims she's protected from pregnancy then she gets pregnant... she has raped the man by fraud.

Actually it happens a lot. But now it's called "forgetting" to take the pill.

Redefining this as the crime that it is ...would go a ways toward equalizing the genders.

And we're certainly in favor of that.

It will be interesting when the first case hit the courts.

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I think it's doubtful that if the law passes and is enacted, you'd see it get used vs. a female. It's a great way to give women the power to accuse a man of rape based on things she said he told her w/out needing to provide evidence of any kind, nor be required to report the alleged offense in a timely fashion. It's the non-campus equivalent of the campus kangaroo court, only there'd still be a reasonable doubt standard. But SCOTUS has been looking for a kind of case to get that interpreted out of existence. This kind of law is perfect for that. Eventually, the campus rape hysteria way of dealing with sexual assault accusations will become mainstreamed into law. Stay tuned.

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I wonder if they would ever prosecute a woman who lied (and let's be honest, they all do it all the time) and had sex with a man? Or lied about using birth control and then got pregnant just to trap the man (as they have been doing since time began)? Lastly I wonder what their laws on paternity fraud are? Paternity fraud occurs in at least 10% of all childbirths. Paternity fraud is the most heinous crime in the world, well next to murdering unborn children. Women who are caught being guilty of paternity fraud should be sent directly to jail for life and any assets should immediately be forfeited to the man she defrauded. There is no greater crime than lying to a man by telling him he is the father when he isn't. No crime can compare to that in emotional, psychological or financial damage to the victim (the man). It's high time society stopped making so many anti-male laws and started to level the playing field. Women have been catered to for far too long. Men should have some rights too. Isn't that what this country is supposedly built on?

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