"Men Need to Admit That Jian Ghomeshi Is No Exception"

Article here. Excerpt:

'You know how they are telling you that it is "not all men?"

That men like Jian Ghomeshi [link added] are a terrible exception and if we as men simply stand up and say we are not as bad as that, or that we are not rapists or do not beat "our" girlfriends or that we show that it is not men, generally, who are violent and abusive, but only "bad" men?

Well that is bullshit.

It is all men. We, collectively, and most commonly as individuals, are responsible for creating the conditions that not only facilitate Ghomeshi's alleged abuse, but that ensure he will exist.

This is a very uncomfortable and inconvenient truth. It is all men and the society that they produced that allowed a misogynist, alleged serial abuser to rise to and feel comfortable within the halls of media and fame, despite the now known and clear indications that he abused his power with women all along and that many, many people could have done something about it but did not.
He may have gotten away with it because he was a famous and powerful man in a society that not only glorified him as such but that regarded his alleged female victims as irrelevant chattel, as is so often the case with men in media, politics or business.

It is all men who allow this. We are responsible. Until we acknowledge and act on this fact another "famous" predator is simply a very short news cycle away.'

Ghomeshi's response to the allegations is here.

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It takes a lot of courage for a man to publish an article in which he admits he beats his wife. I mean, he said all men are guilty, so that includes him.

Of course, that just proves how easy it is for men to get away with DV. This guy admits in a widely read publication that he beats his wife and nobody does anything about it.

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Stereotyping all males, as is being done in this article, is hatefully prejudiced misandry and a Witch-Hunting of innocent males. Shame on such vile, and inane, attempts to shame innocent males.

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