"The World’s Obsession With Schoolgirls As Victims, And Why It Might Be Putting Them In Greater Danger"

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Boko Haram gunmen stormed a school in northeastern Nigeria, they seemed to be closely following a premeditated plan of attack. They lined up students against a wall and killed them with single bullets to the head. They then doused nearby dormitories with gasoline, locked the doors, and set them alight. Those who tried to make an escape were stabbed to death.

Forty-six boys were killed in that July 2013 attack. All of the girls were spared.

Does the victims’ gender factor into why the international media paid no heed to the carnage Boko Haram wrought a year before the Islamist militant group kidnapped 276 girls from their school in Chibok? Why didn’t big-name celebrities and political officials rally behind the slaughtered schoolboys as they did the abducted schoolgirls? Why was no hashtag created to demand justice for the boys?

Maybe crimes committed against girls – and particularly schoolgirls – bear a heavier impact on the consciousness of outside observers. Taken together with the full-throttle focus Pakistani education activist Malala Yousafzai after she was shot by Taliban gunmen in October of 2012, and the outsized role that ISIS’ sexual assaults and enslavement of Yazidi women has played inframing U.S. intervention in Iraq, it seems that schoolgirls draw not just more attention, but also action than similar attacks on others. While Boko Haram, ISIS, and the Taliban have all waged a bloody reign of terror, it’s the crimes they commit against schoolgirls – archetypes of innocence and vulnerability – that have earned them the most disdain.'

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Again, nymphotropism knows no bounds. How myopic does one need to be to recount at the beginning of an essay like this one the genocidal (or, gendercidal, to be more accurate) mass murder of male children as a mere launch point about how valuing the lives of girls places them in greater danger of being kidnapped and held for ransom.

Let's see... get your head blown off or get kidnapped and held for ransom? If you *had* to choose, which'd you take?

And all the author of this article seems to care about is the kidnapped girls.

"Think Progress"... more like "Blathering Feminism". It's been said that the opposite of love/caring about another isn't hate. It's indifference. And that is the typical attitude of today's "progressives" when it comes to males, even small children: utter indifference.

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Men get killed in war and women get raped.

Neither is good, but the average man would rather be raped than killed.

Another example of how insensitive men are to women's suffering.

(okay, that's sarcasm.)

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Let me start off by saying, that I value all life and have always indicated that men and women bring equal value to society, but it is in different aspects and at different stages of their lives I often say woman have sex/reproduction value and men have production value. Many people hate to accept that but it is just a matter of biology.

Any managing organization of a species (pet breeder, zookeeper, dept of fish and wildlife, etc) knows the value of females is in reproduction. Female animals cost more. In hunting, sometimes only the male animals can be hunted. We crab where I live, we can only harvest male crabs and off harvesting seasons for fishing and hunting are all for protecting the females and their reproduction potential. If you want a successful species, you got to protect the females - that's how life works. The males are more disposable.

It works the same way for humans. Yasser Arafat once said "The womb of the Arab woman is my strongest weapon" Other dictators and extreme organizations realize this as well. It is called outbreeding your enemy. Churches also know that it is difficult to convince an adult to join. So they would like to birth new members, rather than go out and try and recruit adult members. There is also the saying "the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world" which suggest that if you can get control of all the children's minds you can convince them to do anything as adults.

I am aware of the schoolgirl kidnapping and Boko Haram, but I am no expert. I have not heard of any ransom demand. I believe they want these girls for reproduction (Last I heard the girls were already married off). With so many months that have gone by I suspect most of them are pregnant by now which will provide Boko Haram with a new generation of terrorists.

So anyway, I disagree with the tone of the article that women's values are a result of social construct. I think it is biology (how do explain all the hunting and fishing regulations aimed at protecting females, but not males? are those policies social construct too?)

However, I do agree that death is worse than rape and there should have been outrage regarding the slaughter and torture of men and boys. But I think it is innate to be protective of females because species survival depends on it. So although it is unfair, it is based on biology.

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Kris, I agree.

And most men, on some level, know this.

So we try to find a woman (those of us who are not gay).

I myself found one. She is good (I suppose, like you). And I am hopelessly devoted to her. I live my life for her, work for her and make sure she (and our children) will be cared for if something were to happen to me. She loves me and I love her.

Feminism, today, is undermining this world.

Yes, back then SOME (not all) men held women back. But the vast majority of men had to do what they did to advance society (an advance for which many men paid with their lives).

Feminists came to a fork in the road with their understanding of how, biologically, men are disposable (and I am not talking here about male ability in construction, engineering, art, science, math, etc. -- for that is not disposable).

They could have said: "Hey, you guys did a wonderful thing. We value you. We now would like your support as we take a place beside you."

Instead, contemporary feminism is all about "Now get the fuck off the stage you biologically useless creatures -- we have sperm banks and don't need you."

So, now the push back is coming hard.

And if the last election is any clue, feminism is on the run but dying like a hard beast.

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