Conference to Address Decline in Male College Enrollment

Article here. Excerpt:

'College enrollment of males has been trending downward in numbers, and the shift has caught the attention of organizations and agencies across the nation.
In response at the University of Arizona, the Office of Early Academic Outreach launched "Project Pave the Way," an initiative funded by the Student Services Fee to provide engagement opportunities for University students as they work to increase college enrollment opportunities for local high school students.

"We are engaging students, not just on our campus, but connecting them to the neighboring Tucson community in a way that reaps benefits for University retention and our work in college access," said Rudy McCormick, director for the Office of Early Academic Outreach.
The "Man Up and Go to College!" Conference is the most recent event organized under the initiative, which was established also to help increase the number of low-income, first-generation and minority male high school students intent on pursing a college or university degree.
More than 250 high school students from 10 Tucson-area schools are expected to attend the Oct. 30 conference, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Tucson Marriott University Park, 880 E. Second St.'

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Apologies to anyone who might have made it to the event with more notice. Still, I posted it because there are sure to be readers interested in the proceedings of the conference.

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Most of the stupid courses taken can quite easily be done online so why bother with all the expense?
These courses ,in my time were done at night school while working by day,they were not marriage bureaus and pick up points,they were for getting on in the world.

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...but, did they have to use the hackneyed shaming language of "man up"? It sends an adversarial message to the very young men that they are trying to reach. Telling them that they aren't men unless they go to college is likely to trigger the rebellious instincts of any high school student.

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If college and universities truly want male enrollments to increase, then they should simply stop Witch-Hunting Males.

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