"So You Want to Be a Male Feminist? Here Are 11 Simple Rules to Follow"

Article here. The list:

'1. Understand that women are leading the way and affirm their capable leadership. Don't assert yourself at the forefront.

2. When it comes to issues that directly pertain to women's bodies and experiences, be quiet and listen.

3. Men don't get to determine if they are "allies" to the feminist movement. Women do.

4. Take responsibility for addressing men's issues with other men, rather than expecting women in feminism to do all of the work.

5. Use your male privilege to encourage other men to work towards gender equality, under women's leadership.

6. Don't use the label of "feminist" as a way to try to get women to like you — that's disingenuous and counterproductive.

7. When given opportunities to execute professional tasks related to feminist issues, consider referring other women instead.

8. Educate yourself about the history of feminism and how women of different backgrounds have approached the movement.

9. Ensure your feminism is intersectional.

10. Acknowledge that sometimes, women need opportunities to discuss feminist issues without the presence of men. And that's okay.

11. When women criticize your involvement in feminism, don't talk over them or talk down to them. Actively listen and be accountable.'

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Actually, one simple rule men can follow instead of the 11 mentioned: "Hand over every ounce of personal power and self-hood to female feminists and females generally."

That's it. Or even more succinctly: "Obey females."

Funny how the author says a feminist is defined by a prominent feminist as "a person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes (and various gender identities)". Well by that def'n, I guess I am! But there are words and then there is reality, and feminists are good at saying one thing meaning another. But perhaps the woman quoted is actually that sort of feminist; she'd be the exception though, far from the rule. The author of this article sure isn't "that kind of feminist". Seems he's all about a total lack of equality, even if it's "only" in the context of the feminist community. His article is like telling Jewish people they can be part of the Nazi party, provided they express no opinions in conflict with non-Jews in the party, and to never aspire to or assume any office of leadership, or informal such position, but in any case keep showing up to meetings and being ever-ready to do as told by the non-Jews in the party. And if the Nazi party manages to get control of the gov't, assisted by the Jewish members thereof? Well, thanks, but we ("we") don't need you anymore. Go join the rest of the Jews in the ghetto... you fools.

"Male feminist" = fool.

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"Don't use the label of "feminist" as a way to try to get women to like you"

Why else would any man do it?

I understand there are likely a few true believers among male feminists. I suppose. Even though Hugo Schweitzer turned out to be a big fraud.

But isn't being a male feminist really about sucking up to women hoping they'll like you or give you "some"? Or getting female approval. Because not being approved by females means you're not a real man. Or some such BS.

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