The 'Undue Importance' Of SAT Scores Is Keeping Women Out Of Elite Colleges

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'The 'Undue Importance' Of SAT Scores Is Keeping Women Out Of Elite Colleges

Female college applicants' scores on the SAT could be keeping them out of some of the most elite colleges in the country, according to a new study.

According to the study, "the evidence best supports a conclusion that women's lower average standardized test scores, combined with the importance attributed to those scores in admissions decisions, creates de facto preferences for men that drive women's under-enrollment in these institutions."'

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Comments's b/c they're "better" than men. If men are doing better than women at something, it's clear evidence of routine and systemic anti-female sexism at work.


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Matt, if you want some real fun...

google: "men, women, chess"

And read why there are no women in the top 50 chess players in the world.

I WISH I could dance like feminists dance when dicussing gender and the game of chess.... why I would be the next Nureyev

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It would appear that women are never satisfied. The Higher Education Research Institute reports that women make up 55% of the freshman class in American universities. That surely must be an indication of discrimination (NOT). Feminists don't like facts. Based on facts, feminists have nothing to complain about, so they make stuff up. Since there aren't any serious ways in which American women are discriminated against anymore, feminists now go overseas desperately looking for something to complain about. There can be no active feminism unless there is outrage, and I'm sorry girls, there is simply nothing to be outraged about these days. In fact, it is the opposite, now it is the men who get to be outraged (go MRAs).

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The feminists have a name for an argument based on facts, logic, and reason: mansplaining.

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