ISIS training boys to behead people

According to this new report, ISIS is teaching children how to behead. The fact is that ISIS is teaching and brainwashing *boys* to behead. If the genders were reversed, there would be a further outcry re a worldwide war against women. Yet, when boys are trained to kill, we extend no sympathy to them. Excerpt:

'This summer, in his hometown of Raqqa, 13-year-old Mohammad was forced to attend a children's training camp established by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

When his father opposed his son's conscription, ISIS fighters threatened to kill him. Mohammad left for camp, which his father describes as a form of “brainwashing the children.”

After his return, his mother says she was surprised to find in his bag a blond, blue-eyed doll – along with a large knife given to her son by his ISIS supervisors. When she confronted Mohammad, he told her that the camp manager had distributed the dolls and asked that the children decapitate them using the knife, and that they were asked to cover the dolls' faces when they performed the decapitation.'

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They trained all the kids to believe in Nazi ideology, but the boys, they taught them specifically that their singular duty was to fight, kill, and if need be, die at their superiors' orders. They were taught from childhood that anyone designated as "inferior" to them deserved no consideration of any kind, that their lives were valueless. Pol Pot in Cambodia did likewise and armed boys as young as 6 with Chinese-supplied weapons and set them loose to murder anyone who could so much as read and write. Millions of Cambodians were murdered over the course of under 10 years, and children (boys) raised to do it had no small part.

Boys raised to be fighting machines/murderers have in essence themselves been as abused as their victims. However they must be stopped regardless, and typically the only way to do so is kill them. Their victims are victims, and so are they. However should females, as ThomasI said, be in this position, they'd never face a trial at The Hague if captured in an international venue. (Edit: I serendipitously came across an article that indeed includes a woman initially charged with multiple counts of crimes vs. humanity but got a plea deal from The Hague and in the end did just a few years in jail. I doubt a man who did what she did would get the same deal.) Men raised since boyhood into a murderous political or religious ideology, however, would assuredly bear the brunt of judgment. But it's a no-win situation: facts are facts. Convicted terrorists, regardless of why they did what they did, must be punished.

If justice were to be evenly served in such cases, it'd be evenly applied in a gender-blind way. But why expect as much when female statutory rapists typically get off with little or no punishment while male ones do hard time. Likewise for drug offenses, larceny, murder. Why should The Hague be any different from the town court?

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Matt, I completely agree... and more...

There are so many efforts now to educate girls in these countries.

Malala (she was only shot at, but the boys get beheaded), plans to open a school only for girls.

Oprah funds schools only for girls.

But if you really wanted to stem the tide of this violence, they SHOULD be opening schools for boys.

When men are truly educated, civilizations get built.

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