Canada: Men’s barbershop and woman they refused to serve both the target of threats

Story here. Excerpt:

'“Should a man decide to join Curves, we would let him. It’s the law. However, it could place an uncomfortable tension in our centres for both male and female members,” Ms. Thompson said.

David Arnot, chief commissioner of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, said safety concerns could factor in to those types of gender-specific policies.

Mr. Arnot wouldn’t say whether his office had received a complaint, nor would he comment on the specific one.
“If you purport to discriminate against a person based on their gender, you run afoul of the human rights code,” Mr. Arnot said.

“Every case is different and every case has nuances to it.”''

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Yes. Here are the nuances:

Men-only: Discriminatory
Women-only: Just fine

Simple enough.

But I do think restricting access to one's offerings based on things like gender, etc., is ultimately self-defeating for any business. Money's money no matter whose hands it comes from. Did Walmart or your typical large chain store of any type succeed so fabulously in the marketplace by allowing only certain types of ppl in to buy their stuff? Did Google Ads become the cash cow it did for Google by Google only allowing certain web sites to use the srvc (with perhaps rare exception; some web sites, you may not want your name on for any reason, ads or otherwise)?

Ultimately, refusing sales is a dumb thing for a business to do.

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