I Was Raised To Hate Men And Now I Don’t Know What To Think About Feminism
Article here. Excerpt:
'My mother’s brand of feminism went from wanting equal rights to wanting to smash the patriarchy, which she defined for my brother and me as “men’s historical oppression of women, which they continue to do today.” No man could escape complicity, not even little boys, she said. Suddenly, men were the root of all of women’s problems and since they had all the power, we had to fight them.
Men were always wrong. Men were aggressors; men were rapists; men were stupid; men were obsessed with their penises; men were responsible for forcing my mother into a heterosexual marriage and motherhood. Mary Daly and Andrea Dworkin had become her prophets. She never once said that “patriarchy” wasn’t synonymous with “men.” She used the terms interchangeably. She told us we’d been forced on her by the patriarchy and, given the choice, she would not have had us.
Misandry as an ironic or non-ironic Feminist pose might be cathartic for a while, but it has nothing to do with achieving equality. And espousing outright hatred and contempt for all men to your children is not a feminist act. It’s tantamount to child abuse.'
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From back in '13...
... but some pieces, even if not recent, are too good not to post. Yes, teaching your kids to hate others for any reason based on their indelible characteristics or utterly irrelevant attributes is not just child abuse but it seriously hamstrings your kids' ability to function effectively in the world, particularly the western world where many diff. kinds of ppl live interdependently.
But if you're looking to create a nice income stream for some psychiatrist, go ahead, by all means, teach hatred to your kids. Just don't be too surprised if one day they turn all that wonderful hatred you taught them back on you.
He's right
Raising boys to believe they're the root of all evil is a form of child abuse.
Feminists always pretend they have no effect on how boys are raised. They believe boys are raised in some vacuum free of feminist influence. Untrue. Boys grow up hearing what their caretakers--mostly women--say and think. If it's all bad stuff about boys and men, the boys hear it and think about it and it sinks in.
what a strange world we live in.
on the one hand we have countries completely controlled by feminists. every law, every program is about what is best for women. men are the second class citizens who get no justice from the courts or any other part of the government.
want proof? just yesterday a woman was 'sentenced' to 6 mos. for having sex w/ several of her 14 y.o. students. it was on 'the five' today. a man here (locally) recently got 26 years because a young girl said he touched her. no proof, just her word. 1st offence.
otoh, we have countries controlled by sharia law and islam, where men control everything. just the opposite of feminism. women are the 2nd class citizens there. the courts, the family, everything controlled by feminists in the west is controlled by Islamic law in rest.
these two groups actually joined sides to elect our current disaster 'n chief. he wears an Islamic ring while sporting a 'this is what a feminist looks like' t-shirt. as strange bedfellows go, this tops them all.
then we have a 3rd group. those who live along the river 'denial'. they couldn't buy a clue w/ all the $$ in the world. sheeple is what some call them.
what a strange world we live in.
think about it.
one seriously messed up woman
Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to find an American woman who is not in some way damaged by the lies of feminism. The author of the article here is seriously damaged... and she is doing a great service to the world by revealing that damage. Feminism is a hate movement. We should be applying the rules for hate crimes to the acts of feminism. Someday it will happen.