How VAWA separates children from fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

"It has become de rigeur for women to claim false allegations of violence in order to gain the upper hand in divorce and custody courts. The mere allegation of domestic violence is enough in many states to affect the child's access to a noncustodial parent. Programs instituted by the VAWA often leave kids in jeopardy and promote a society of fatherless children."

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I've mentioned a few times that men are slaves in this society. Genital mutilation, debtor's prisons, workplace and other death rates skewed by gender, male-only drafts, lower standing before the courts, less access to health care/research, government services and education, men as targets of perfectly legal and socially acceptable discrimination and misandry, all of these are evidence thereof. This problem is getting worse, not better.

But what is the root of that slavery? How is it enforced?

Children. Ours or someone else's. Just as women use sex to manipulate men, they use children to enslave us. One-sided domestic violence laws that treat men as having 3/5ths of a woman's soul are just a tool used to increase a woman's leverage. A man's instinct to love and protect his children is ruthlessly exploited to force him to work to death or die in prison to pay his "masters". John Murtari could shed some light on this subject, I'm sure.

With children in the picture, we're not just expected to die in battle, or in the workplace to provide for those around us (i.e. traditional bastions of slavery for men), we're actually liable for a woman and her brood, simply because she says so. Our entire "family court" system exists only to ensure a woman's right to exploit a male slave, and to protect her from the sanctions a man would face if he were to replicate her actions.

The solution? Don't have children. As women become more and more educated, and displace more and more men from high-earning positions, the case for spousal support (alimony) will become increasingly difficult for even the worst gold-digger to make. Children are a woman's key to enslaving a man. Don't have them, and most of your worries about slavery go away. No debtor's prisons. No paying for the children of some other man your ex decided to fuck because she was bored. None of the above.

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My thoughts exactly. Couldn't've written it better myself. This is a keeper. I encourage you to try to get it published someplace in the MSM; even if it fails to get out there, you will have gotten people somewhere in the press to read it.

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(Excerpt) - "The VAWA establishes the legal framework to create perverse incentives, to make false claims of abuse, to escalate partner conflict, and to discourage partner reconciliation. The result is to break up families and separate children from their fathers."

VAWA is the lynchpin to the whole feminist anti-family enterprise, because it provides the juice (major $$$$$) to pay off the myriad lackeys who benefit from this hate movement: cops, judges, lawyers, DV counselors, probation officers, expert witnesses, drug companies (anti-depressants sell billions to divorced couples), realtors(every busted-up family now needs two roofs instead of one), priests and ministers (gotta seek solace and grace somewhere, right?), etc.

Feminism is a creatively destructive economic engine for America, circulating dollars by manufacturing despair,ensuring family "redeployment", and promoting an obviously profitable unending gender war.

Golly! It's a "free market" miracle fueling our domestic retail economy.

More DV & divorce is good for America's bottom line!

The more family dysfunction.... the greater the BANK!

Everyone benefits, right?

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Thanks, mcc99.

As for VAWA? Women are just as likely to initiate violence in relationships. VAWA is just typical "shaming" language on a national (and soon to be global) scale. VAWA is just more of the same: blame the man, even if the woman does it.

The overwhelming majority (90% or more), of the victims of all violence in the world are MEN. Where are the limitless billions in funding and the moral outrage to do something about that problem?

Oh, that's right, they're in the same black hole as the funding and outrage over boys and men being physically and sexually assaulted or neglected in schools, prisons and homes, and the outrage over MALE genital mutilation - they don't exist, because the life of a slave doesn't matter.

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I fear the American experiment known as "democracy" has failed if, in order for a man to be free and preserve his liberty, he must deny his basic nature to create his legacy through bringing his children into the world.

And, sadly, that is exactly what I believe -- i.e. no thinking man in FemAmerica should marry or have children, because, as RM stated with precision, that is to invite slavery and existential Hell upon oneself.

The RESIGNATION of men from building a meaningful future, even having a vision of what a fair and equitable future might look like ---

that is terrifying to contemplate.

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(RM) - "The overwhelming majority (90% or more), of the victims of all violence in the world are MEN. Where are the limitless billions in funding and the moral outrage to do something about that problem?"

The easy cop-out alibi is that 90% of violence against men is also committed by men.

So, the next logical step is to ask, why is so much social violence tolerated?

And, then you have to pursue even more uncomfortable questions, like ---

Who benefits from violence as a social form?

How many people make their salaries by "fighting" violence in one occupation or another? (Also called "peace-keeping" ...)

What would the biggest American corporations do if they were not benefiting from a Permanent War mentality?

Without violence, how could power be distributed?

Without violence, how could people be persuaded to vote?

Democracy American-style was born in violence... a rag-tag revolution... the Mexican west was won through legal violence called Manifest Destiny ... the Native American genocide was legislated by Congress as "civilizing the savages..."

America's presence in the world is synonymous with violence... ask anybody from Mexico, Phillipines, Grenada, Panama, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and a hundred other countries we have invaded to "plant the seeds of democracy."

Look in the mirror of history.

We are a gangster nation, after all!

Well... please add your own perplexing questions to counterbalance my "liberal" bias.

Yeah. I fully cop to the dirty "L"-word.

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Admitting to being liberal and calling the USA a Gangster Nation is not an expected position for an MRA.

I agree though. America does like to spread it's brand of freedom by the barrel of a gun.

And various industries tolerate violence. There is no more prison happy nation on Earth then America... that includes China.

I've often found that it is an odd contradiction that America claims to be the land of the free and shining beacon onto the world of what democracy and freedom are, yet at the same time maintain the largest population of prison inmates of any county on Earth...

America also has the second largest military and arguably the most powerful millitary on Earth.

No place else has nearly as many Weapons of ULTIMATE (forget weapons of mass destruction America has the capability to obliterate intelligent life on Earth) destruction.

Is freedom by the sword, our way or else freedom really freedom at all?

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My initial response was to suggest that we need to broaden the interrogation of social violence, which unfortunately is primarily men-on-men violence, whether we call it crime or war or commerce.

By "confessing" my liberal politics, I was making an indirect statement that perhaps goes against the stereotypical media image of Men's Rights Activists.

It's my belief that the cultural misandry men face today -- bad feminist laws and courts, sexism running rampant and unchallenged in the mass media, the economic harvesting of men by women just for the simple joy of girllll power ---

all this experience cuts across any silly political disagreements that men might have to work through if MRA's are going to develop real clout.

Being financially raped in divorce court will bridge any lib-vs-conservative friction between comrades.

Losing access to your kids makes being a Republicrat or Demopublican pretty meaningless.

Having to censor your speech at work on a daily basis due to feared sexual harrassment allegations unites men of all political stripes.

The feminists currently have about a dozen sub-categories for describing the variety of feministas ... a big tent and consequently, major political power.

MRA's could learn a thing or three about organizing strategy by studying how the fems inflated their minimal official membership into major social influence.

Maybe someday when an evangelical Republican MRA can have a productive dialogue with a socialist aetheist MRA, there will be something like brotherhood with real chops....

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We definitely all need to unite no matter our, race, religious beliefs, political affiliation or lack there of, or sexual orientation. We as men are all targets of the misandric world we live in.

Especially younger MRAs who have already joined the marriage strike and neither have nor want any children in the current climate of misandry.

They don't know the horrors of the family courts and they don't care about traditional family values because they have rejected them because it's no longer a world that is friendly to the traditional family.

The message has to reach more then disenfranchised dads to be truly effective. Society is doing a hell of allot more to men then rodding them of their children.

We all face the same fight and the sooner we all get together as MRAs and speak our piece, the sooner the world will listen

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