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Nancy Pelosi Says American Women Always Victims: 'Starved,' 'Force-Fed'
Story here. Excerpt:
'According to CNS News.com, on Thursday, Pelosi said on a conference call that American women have been victims throughout the history of the nation.
“It was a struggle all the way,” Pelosi said. “Women marched. Women starved. Women were starved. Women were force-fed. Women could barely speak up in their own homes.”
She continued:
"Women left their homes to take the message. And it was successful, and the right to vote, again, so precious, so hard fought. ... We hope women will continue to exercise forcefully, because then all of the issues we care about, whether it's equal pay for equal work, paid sick leave, affordable quality child care, raising the minimum wage, women's health and--and safety issues will all be well-served."
Democrats are pushing their agenda, titled “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds,” and they hope to win the female vote by convincing women they are victims and can only succeed with the government by their side throughout their lives.
While Pelosi addressed the government's giving women “freedom” from “oppressive student loans” and the importance of affordable child care, Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA) discussed women’s paid sick leave, the Violence Against Women Act, and free birth control now available through Obamacare.'
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Pelosi-world, where the color of the sky is nutty
She really *is* bat-$hit crazy, isn't she? Starved *and* force-fed? What, all at the same time? Were they all getting water-boarded and not allowed to drink any water at the same time, too? I can't believe anyone pays this whack-job any attention. Have to admit, it's quite amusing, but as I've said before, we're paying a lot for these people, we should be getting our money's worth -- not fruit-cases like this.
Freedom from the "oppression of student loans". But for female post-grads only? Good God. What will this idea translate to, college paid for by the gov't (i.e., taxpayer), but only if the student is female?
One can only but imagine.
Three stooges, "Bat-$hit Nan" + "Biden the Pander-bot" + "The Hildebeast", at the head of one of our two major political parties. Just how did we get to this point? Feminism, that's how. (Notice Obama's not mentioned. This is b/c I can't even see him. I mean, he's become invisible. Putin invades the Ukraine? Silence. The most viscious, murderous, virulent, and best-organized and equipped Islamist terror group sweeps into the power vacuums in the Middle East created by the US's poorly-timed w/drawal from still-unstable parts thereof and... nothing. Last I heard of him, he was playing golf somewhere. He's gone from being Mr. Hope and Change to The Invisible Man. Disappointed? Yeah. Always disappointed when POTUS turns out to be a dud. Political parties notwithstanding, America never benefits when our prez is a loser, and party politics isn't my thing -- my nation's well-being is. Hope our rivals realize that taking advantage of a weak POTUS lasts only so long. Our next Oval Office occupant won't, I have a feeling, be quite the feckless dolt this one is. Also doubt their first name'll start with "H".)
Wonder how historians'll describe this era of US history. I was hoping decade 2 of this new century would include more positive developments than the three afore-mentioned stooges taking up time on the news and Internet bandwidth. Such is life.
The Invisible President
I've never been a fan of Obama but I'm starting to fear he is facing a meltdown of sorts. We've had crises going on in Missouri, the Ukraine, and in Iraq, but he plays golf and recently announced he has no strategy regarding ISIS. He appears to be refusing to step up to the plate and do what only he can do. That's scary, not because of any political harm done to him, but because it leaves the country in the lurch. And there's little we can do to resolve the issue in a timely manner.
He's playing golf while America burns.
Even though I list starboard in matters political, I say that not in a partisan manner, not because it might help conservatives. I say it because if he doesn't step and make a decision, even one I might disagree with, we could be in serious doo doo.
In short, I'm agreeing with you. We need Obama to step up and deal with this issues, not play more golf.
our most august prez
isn't asleep. its more like sleep walking through the job. even now he is touting such loony issues as global warming (climate change) and green energy at whatever cost. he's even now single handedly writing treaties w/o any thought to congress. he is importing illegals by plane and train to the south. he has replaced hundreds of generals w/ 'his people'. he has buried a few new e.o.'s among the many he has written to give himself total control of everything and everyone, in the case of problems within our country requiring himself to declare martial law.
not to be outdone in the screw-up column, his wife has the country's children about ready to revolt at the lack of any real food of substance (and taste) in school dinners.
and its not like he's not making a contribution to his party. shucks, a.f. 1 has never before seen so many fund-raisers. he couldn't even be bothered to approve the rescue of our people in Benghazi. he was off to viva lost vegas the very next morn. he also has the n.s.a. working overtime listening to anything that might later be used to bribe judges, congress-critters, you name it. the i.r.s. was busy auditing his enemies until they got caught. been selling assault weapons to drug cartels. and don't get me started on his 'false flag' projects, past & future.
however, hard as he is working in all these different areas (and many more), he is having to concentrate hardest on how to help his Islamic friends across the globe kill infidels, while at the same time giving the appearance of just being ... well, incompetent. I believe this is where he has really done his best work. just look at all the pro-Islamic stuff he has done, and he still has people believing he can and will fix all these problems, if he would just try try try.
people still believing in our 1st islamist should take up rooting for my high school's football team. some day they will probably win one.
Meltdown or something else
I could've written what you did, el cid, word for word. In fact as I was reading it, for a second I thought I had, until I realized I wouldn't've likely replied to my own comment but instead added to it by editing it.
But that aside, since Benghazi, I have begun entertaining some very disturbing ideas abt our current prez. When Bush sr. mysteriously didn't campaign with any enthusiasm or really, much at all, and Clinton pretty much walked into the Oval Office, the GOP rank-and-file was utterly perplexed. He was an older guy but not *that* "older", not so much as to take him out of the game, assuming his health was OK. Well, that was the secret being kept by both the Dem and GOP leadership. Bush sr. had health issues that precluded him from doing a 2nd term, but the GOP couldn't let on before the election since it would've understandably created demands for his resignation, leaving Quayle in charge (and *no one* wanted that). Besides, the GOP had no one on deck to take his place vs. Clinton.
I am concerned something similar is true abt Obama. The man's hair has not only gone gray (typical though, for American presidents even after 4 yrs.), but he remains abt 97,654.876 lbs. underweight. He has 10 or whatever doctors on him 24/7 and still, he remains rail-thin. Getting him up to a healthy weight would probably be a priority for them, but apparently, not even they have succeeded. Now I know he's always been a thin guy, but that doesn't detract from the fact he's clinically underweight. And if whatever he has going on is necessitating he be on pain meds or whatever, could that be "dulling" his reactions to things?
Well, I'm not trying to spread any rumors here. In fact, I'm trying to offer an alternate explanation for his apparent total fecklessness in the face of the sorts of things American presidents are not just expected to deal with but still pretty much the only leader in the world who can -- provided they actually do so. B/c if the answer isn't akin to why Bush punted to Clinton, then Americans must accept the fact they got hornswaggled into electing a guy who just seems to have wanted an 8-yr-long taxpayer-financed vacation with a private plane and bodyguards for him and his family thrown in. Expensive in so many ways.
Interesting hypothesis
I don't know if you're right and he is suffering health issues, but it's a very real possibility. I, too, have noticed his gray hair and his thin physique, so health problems could be a very reasonable explanation. I do know my attitude towards him has changed from partisan concerns to a concern than he's gone AWOL. He's not stepping up to the plate--just the golf tee. That creates huge problems. (And mixed sports metaphors.)
The American president is the leader of the West--and it's a role no one else can play as effectively. And there's little we can do. If we impeach him, that takes a while, and what we get is Joe Biden, and in the meantime the problems that need addressing now don't get addressed. We--America--have to be able to respond to the pressing issues of the day. And we count on the President to make those responses. My perception is that Obama is simply not making the necessary responses.
In that regard, Benghazi is something of a litmus test: I believe he and Hilary did not do enough to protect the ambassador and others. And then tried to cover it up with a crazy story about an obscure video. Not good.
So I'm glad (in a sense) to know that I'm not the only one having these thoughts. Like you, I'm concerned something is going on that we don't know about it. It could be health. It could be he's overwhelmed psychologically. Or he's just being feckless. I don't know. But it could create a huge crisis for us and the Western world if he remains AWOL.