"5 Things Women Entrepreneurs Can Teach Men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'5. They have a higher purpose or cause.

Women are often much deeper thinkers than men and tend to care more about spiritual matters. Women go to places of worship more often and are more involved in giving back to others than men. There are varying theories on why this is so, one is that women are naturally more spiritual than men because their role in life is constantly changing, causing them to reevaluate their lives on a regular basis.

In other words, women are always self-monitoring and pondering life. Because women tend to care more about a higher purpose in life and they give more to various causes, it only makes sense that this attribute would stay with a women when she becomes an entrepreneur, making her a great leader.'

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Yes, more spiritual, categorically, hands down. Never met a woman as interested in material wealth or displays thereof. I mean, everyone knows men love diamonds and other such pricey jewelry *much more* than women. And as for a sense of entitlement, again, I can count on one hand the number of women I've met who've behaved in an entitled fashion. They always pay for meals, vacations, etc. Have yet to meet one who doesn't insist on picking up the checks or pulling her own financial weight in a relationship or virtually any other context.

But ultimately, it comes down to this: Why go into business for yourself just to make yourself better off? I mean, the long hours, financial risks, etc., are attractive not for the hope of profit but from altruism. That is, if you're female. If male, you're just in it for Number One.

Really, men just plain suck as entrepreneurs, too. Every successful business was at one time probably entrepreneurial. A recent example: Google. The founders clearly had no idea what they were doing, had no vision, are indifferent to their employees' needs (forget all those stories about free food, on-site massage, Olympic-sized pools, etc., in the Googleplex, they're all lies!), and have yet to donate any of their company's earnings to charity.

I mean, really. There oughtta be a law!

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Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Mohammed, Abraham, Dalai Lama, Confucious,Desmond Tutu, John the Baptist,Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Paramahansa Yoganand, Pope JP2, St Francis of Assisi, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Zoroaster....

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