Mary Walsh helping women teach men to help at home

Video and article here. Excerpt:

'Mary Walsh [link added] is helping women help men learn how to help with household chores.

The 62-year-old veteran of Canadian television and films is playing Rose O’Brien in The House Trainer — a series of instructional videos available in the Apple App Store.

As Rose, Walsh teaches men how to rinse the bathroom sink, load the dishwasher and change the toilet paper roll.

Users can build a custom training program and email it, via the app, from Rose O’Brien to friends and family that need to be house-trained.
It begs the question: Why does the toilet seat have to be left in the down position?

“It has to be down because if it isn’t down, in the middle of the night your very thin trophy wife will fall through and you’ll lose her,” Walsh replied.

“I feel that is the natural way that the toilet wants to be. I think the toilet wants the seat down.”

Walsh said women have put up with lazy men since time immemorial for no other reason than to keep society going.

“There would be no people on the Earth. There would just be cockroaches and snakes,” she opined. “It’s all biologically necessary for us to put up with all of this in order that we have children and the Earth goes on.

“I think at some point the women will just really get tired of that and say ‘I don’t care, let the snakes and the cockroaches take over. I’m just not doing another dish.’”'

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Ugh, what a piece of work. Not quite, but almost Canada's version of Rosie O'Donnell (or is that Rosie O'Donnell is America's version of Mary Walsh?)

Pay careful attention, younger guys. This is what aging woe-is-me housewives end up like, though I doubt this particular woman has never "housewifed" for real herself; too much money to have to do that and besides, it sounds like she doesn't spend too much time at home. But it sounds like she's channeling it.

Is it worth risking your 50%+ of your retirement savings and general peace of mind after paying for women like her to do housework and complain about it for 30 years, all the while holding all the cards in the Divorce Deck which she can play at any time? House? Kids? Retirement? Alimony? Child support? "Mine, all mine!"

Allow me to re-phrase her parting shot:

“I think at some point the men will just really get tired of women like me complaining incessantly about housework and so on and say ‘I don’t care, let the women find another way to have the kids they want to have so damned much. I’m just not going to put up with this bull$hit anymore.'"

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Thanks to evil men, the work required to keep up a home is far less than it was a hundred years ago. Today, if a woman wants hot water, all she does is turn on the faucet. If she wants to cook a meal, all she does is turn on the stove. And she can do this in a nice air-conditioned house.

All thanks to evil men.

At one time, if a woman wanted hot water, she had to go chop wood and start a fire. Ditto for cooking a meal. And her only choice for keeping cool was to open a window or perhaps find a bit of shade.

And if she wants to use the bathroom, she just goes to the bathroom and takes care of business. Even if it's in the middle of the night in a blizzard. Thanks to men. Used to be, her only choice was to go outside and use the outhouse. Even it was in the middle of the night in a blizzard.

So I think women who complain about men's work around the house, should give up all the modern conveniences men have invented. And if a woman complains about the man leaving the toilet seat up, she should just go use the outhouse. Even it is in the middle of the night in a blizzard.

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