Chelsea Clinton pushes for more girls in math and science careers
Article here. Excerpt:
'Chelsea Clinton on Monday said more must be done to encourage gender diversity in high-tech jobs, including finding role models for young girls who want to break into traditionally male-dominated math and science careers.
"There are fewer girls who are aspirational in the math and science fields in the United States than there were 20 years ago," Clinton said during a panel discussion Monday at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. "We have significantly fewer women graduating with computer science degrees.
"We have significantly fewer women graduating with mechanical engineering degrees than we did in the mid and late 1980s," Clinton said. "We're really losing ground in this area, which is why we have such a frenetic focus."'
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OK, here goes...
Chelsea Clinton: Majored in History as she now wags her finger at girls saying they ought to study STEM fields. OK, Chelsea, you first. Go ahead. Lead by example. Back to college with you, and major in Computer Science, or maybe something like Physics. But be forewarned, those subjects are not quite as easy as the humanities, because in those subjects, you have to be, well, right. That is, there are right and wrong answers. In physics, either you got the gravity calculation right, or you did not. In comp. sci., either you have a working compiler, or you do not. Not a lot of wiggle room. It demands a degree of rigor that is not generally required in the humanities, at least not the interpretive humanities subjects, such as history. It's not like politics, where if you can lie effectively and be wrong about lots of things, as long as you get elected, you still "got it right". But eventually, that strategy does catch up with you. Just ask your mom and dad, or the current occupants of the WH.
But back to the third person for Chelsea -- she also made $600k/yr. in one gig alone appearing from time to time on NBC until only recently; now she gets $50k/yr. from NBC, just for being her. This, on top of whatever else she makes doing whatever else her folks are paying her for, or whatever else anyone else is paying her for. Why, I dunno. Seems obvious by now that her mom is not running for POTUS for whatever reason. (Will I eat these words? One day, maybe, but if she runs, methinks she won't win.) She's also married to a hedge fund manager who makes $11 million/yr. (See here. Of course it's easy to not care about money when you have never had to worry a second about it because your folks are rolling in cash, as are their friends in Congress.) I suppose it's also easy to major in History and then lecture teenage girls about how they ought to major in something more lucrative instead, because after all, we cannot all be so fortunate as to have Bill and Hillary Clinton (or Barack and Michelle Obama, worth about $12 million and financing private getaways and parties using taxpayer money) as parents, can we?
So, girls have to get into more STEM and techie jobs because there are just too many boys in these fields, etc., etc. Chelsea, why do we never hear you or your mother complain about the even-more skewed gender distribution amongst garbage collectors, police officers, fire-fighters, nuclear plant technicians, bomb disposal technicians, combat role positions in the armed forces, and so on? Or are only the more lucrative jobs that let you sit around all day in air-conditioned offices and type out things on keyboards the ones that have your attention?
Good point, Matt
Neither Chelsea nor Hillary chose STEM careers. Perhaps Hillary should have, since she claimed to be "dead broke" when she left the WH. Bill Gates has never claimed to be broke. But, then again, lawyers usually do okay in life from a financial point of view.
But if you want to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk.