Brazile: Asking about Hillary’s wealth is sexist, or something

Article here.  Excerpt:

'The most amazing part of this argument isn’t the Pavlovian resort to identity-card victimization, although that’s certainly amazing enough. It’s the total amnesia about how Democrats spent their 2012 summer vacation and the abject hypocrisy that follows that causes the jaw to drop. I missed this part of the Washington Post story on Democratic panic over Hillary Clinton’s continuing faceplants over her wealth, but David Frum pointed it out on Twitter (via Twitchy):
Here’s Brazile [link added] throwing the sexism card:

Strategist Donna Brazile, a Clinton supporter, said scrutiny of Clinton’s speaking fees smacks of sexism.

“I hope Hillary never apologizes for trying to earn a living,” Brazile said. “She’s no different than [former secretary of state] Colin Powell, no different than [former Florida governor] Jeb Bush, no different than anybody else who’s left public office and looked for ways to make an income. . . . What is wrong with a woman having the same earning potential as any man?”

Ahem. Brazile and her fellow Democrats spent all summer in 2012 attacking Mitt Romney’s wealth and the business he created, even while Barack Obama kept a former Bain exec as an advisor. Harry Reid accused Romney of tax evasion for a decade, allegations which proved utterly false, in an attempt to pressure Romney into releasing his income tax records for Democrats to attack — which they did, incessantly. Romney, who never pretended to be a middle-class guy “struggling” to pay his bills, got repeatedly painted as a prep-school elitist who couldn’t possibly understand the experience of middle America on the basis and origin of his wealth.'

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One must either be moneyed to afford the race to win office or so adept at manipulating and lying to others (in both good and bad ways) as to convince the already-moneyed/powerful to finance them or champion them. That doesn't come free, though. You must sell your influence and access should you win to pay back your campaign financiers, or use your office to serve their interests or both, as well as to further your own (for if you don't, you'll probably wind up a one-termer).

I am fine w/ average Americans complaining abt how money has corrupted our political system and pols. What I'm not fine with is dbl stds around who's fair game to complain abt. HC is just as fair and fitting a source of complaint as Mitt Romney or anyone else. So is Donna Brazile, who's also rolling in it. Money doesn't talk, it screams.

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'Brazile said. “She’s no different than [former secretary of state] Colin Powell, no different than [former Florida governor] Jeb Bush, no different than anybody else who’s left public office and looked for ways to make an income.'

That's right. And just like anybody else, she's subject to criticism. You know, the same criticism every politician or former politician has to face. Just as Matt pointed out, criticism of politicians' wealth is commonplace. The sad thing is many female politicians are so used to not being scrutinized that in the face of being called out on something, they have to resort to the "misogyny" card. What a great way to prove you're unfit for office eh?

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