"The case for raising feminist boys"
Article here. Excerpt:
'It has never been clearer that American society is in desperate need of a generation of feminist men. Not men who will take over the women’s rights cause and “mansplain” what feminists are doing wrong but true allies who will hold other men accountable and are committed to gender equality and the eradication of misogynistic violence.
According to the World Health Organization, 30 percent of women who have been in a relationship report having experienced a form of physical or sexual violence by their partner. The United Nations has found that intimate partner violence accounts for 40 to 70 percent of murdered women in the United States. One in four U.S. college women reports surviving rape or attempted rape since her 14th birthday. Just two weeks ago, Elliot Rodger went on a killing spree in Isla Vista, California — a devastating culmination of his hatred of women.
It’s not just about violence. The gender wage gap persists, and women’s contributions are often devalued. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, in 2012 full-time female workers made only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. Women, on average, earn less than men in nearly every single occupation. Though women outnumber men in college by 10 percent and hold almost 52 percent of all professional jobs, they fall significantly behind in leadership positions.'
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Why does anyone think that...
Why does anyone think that Rodgers was not raised in a feminist culture? Feminists always pretend that boys are raised off separately by men somewhere, when in fact they are commonly raised by women (perhaps with a dad, perhaps not) and then attend schools staffed by women--who likely took a women's studies class and learned how evil men are.
So boys are told repeatedly by women that they are the source of all evil in the world and then expected to grow to be good men. Boys are told they have no value except in the eyes of women; men and boys are good who submit to female ideas of what men and boys should be. All the recommendations here involve getting rid of anything that makes a boy a boy and turning him into a girl--likely with Ritalin to make him compliant.
The reality is that boys pick up all the messages originating from feminists about men--and they're mostly negative. Rodgers likely picked those up, just as other boys do.
What an ignorant article! My comment:
You do realize Elliot Rodger killed twice as many men as women, don't you? And by the way any user of the term "mansplain" as an ad-hominem attack toward any dissenter is not someone to be trusted. If you have to attack someone without even hearing what they have to say, you are the one who isn't credible.
By the way, the wage gap is caused by women choosing less dangerous jobs, more flexibility, working fewer hours and less overtime, and working in careers which pay less. Is it sexist to pay an Alaskan crab fisherman more than a female office worker?
Added Note: Notice they cite the disparity between men and women earning degrees in university, yet completely overlook the fact that this is actually a counter-argument to everything else they have said.