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Please watch this from a woman. It has logical arguments and good cause-and-effect analysis. Caption: "Why is it that feminists say they need so little and yet demand so much?"
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle because the woman got both the fish and the bicycle in the divorce.
She makes a lot of good points. One I like is that women still want what they've always wanted from men but now give nothing in return. Women (feminists, to be more exact, but most women are feminists nowadays) wanted to free themselves from gender roles because these roles required them to give something to men and children. They viewed these requirements as a form of oppression. But what they were required to give is what entitled them to something in return from men. Feminists don't see it that way, of course. Just because they no longer give anything men doesn't mean men should quit giving to them. These women believe men should keep on giving to women even though women give nothing in return.
But if one party to a contract changes the contract, the other has the right change their side of the contract--or back out.
Permalink Submitted by el cid on Tue, 2014-06-03 03:32
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"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
A good question
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle because the woman got both the fish and the bicycle in the divorce.
She makes a lot of good points. One I like is that women still want what they've always wanted from men but now give nothing in return. Women (feminists, to be more exact, but most women are feminists nowadays) wanted to free themselves from gender roles because these roles required them to give something to men and children. They viewed these requirements as a form of oppression. But what they were required to give is what entitled them to something in return from men. Feminists don't see it that way, of course. Just because they no longer give anything men doesn't mean men should quit giving to them. These women believe men should keep on giving to women even though women give nothing in return.
But if one party to a contract changes the contract, the other has the right change their side of the contract--or back out.