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Can ethics coexist with masculinity?
Article here. Excerpt:
'According to recent studies conducted by American researchers, men have lower principles of right and wrong compared to the fairer sex. Their research showed that men are very likely to compromise on their principles, resort to tactics that are ethically questionable, and tell bigger lies more often. Also, they have no qualms to compromise moral ethics in a bid to assert dominance to prove and defend their masculinity.
So, why do men have a fickle relationship with morality? Renowned Chennai-based psychologist Mini Rao explains, “Men are defined by their masculinity. And they take it way too seriously. ‘Be a man about it’ is a phrase that says it all. Their egos are far more fragile than women and they constantly need to prove they are right because it’s deeply etched in their minds that they can never be wrong.”
She points out that even when it comes to something as minor as asking for directions, however lost they are, men will not condescend to ask anybody for directions. In her view, society has conditioned men to be this way since time immemorial. Of course, there are exceptional men who are sensible and stand by their ethical values at all times.'
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Further PROOF that MEN SUCK!
I just laugh, and laugh, and laugh. I wouldn't I suppose if I had drunk the Kool-Aid like so many men have, sadly, and are likely to just accept such foolishness uncritically.
Like most other things, men invented the entire field of ethics. And yet, we're immoral, unethical dolts. But the article does say that there are some extraordinary exceptions to this TRUE generalization. Indeed, *some* men, very few, live ethical lives to match those of the typical woman, but for 99+% of the rest of us poor, pitiable wretches-with-penises, all hope is lost. We'll never measure up to the perfection that is WOMAN.
Unless of course she's this one. Or any number of others. But they were probably unduly influenced by the wickedness of some man whom they trustingly allowed to mis-guide them and pass along their moral corruptness. "Oh ye
godsGoddess, would that thou in thy greatest of wisdom had instead made humanity just ofWOMANKINDWYMYNKIND so that an idyllic world there could be!"I had too much fun with that, I confess. But I am not done yet. The material is just too rich!
But to be fair (yes, as a man, I have to exert effort to be fair, indeed, my inherent masculinity-poisoned sense of moral status corrupted as it is cries out for salvation, and I struggle to earn it...), the article ends with:
'But with the changing social fabric, both men and women are faced with similar moral dilemmas, which make them equally susceptible to immorality. We have witnessed enough cases where women have been accused of being middle ‘men’ in multicrore scams. Award-winning actress Kalki Koechlin, for one, believes there is no gender difference as far as ethics and principles are concerned. She says, “I don’t think it has anything to do with being a man or a woman. It’s a huge generalisation to say all men compromise on their principles when their masculinity is at stake. It depends on the individual. It has to do with the kind of environment and the people you surround yourself with.” Are the researchers listening?'
A woman declared this final statement. But we'd expect as much from one of the fair and fair-minded class, the Master Race, known they are as WOMEN. As men, we can only hope to trail a distant second in the ethics category. For that is all the great majority of us are ever capable of. "May All-mighty
GodGoddess forgive us our Original Sin of Vile Maleness!!"=)
The subject of ethics and morality intrigues me. I think we all want to live in a well run society which requires some rules of ethics. As far as know it has been men who have historically upheld the agreed upon ethics.
What I have learned the most about ethics is that ethics seem to be pliable - to fit the situation. Sometimes they are more about what is best for the society compared to what is best for the individual and sometimes ethics compete with our need to survive.
Some examples....a homeless person who is starving is more apt to steal an apple from an apple cart. Then in third world counties within indigenous cultures infanticide is often practiced. Newborns are often killed if they are deemed imperfect or week.
I have never thought that one gender is more ethical than the other. I think unethical behavior shows up differently. I have often mentioned that men have more physical and mental strength, and women have more sexual strength or "sexual value". So any unethical behavior in women is most likely going to be in the form of her sexual and reproductive behavior....And since feminism is tricking society into accepting this behavior I doubt anyone will measure it as "unethical" (I'll use the Tiger Wood situation as an example at the end*).
....Basically a man has two choices for survival which are to make an honest living, or to make a dishonest living. However, a woman has 3 choices which are to make an honest living, make a dishonest living OR prostitute herself. Most women will choose prostitution in one form or another before choosing "dishonest living", and prostitution is often undetectable or at least questionable as to wether it is unethical or not.
* I just want to mention the Tiger Woods situation and how society views and measures unethical behavior (especially since feminisms tells us we are not supposed to slut-shame). Tiger was portrayed as unethical for cheating on his wife, yet the mistresses were portrayed by Gloria Allred as "victims" as if they did nothing wrong!! These are women who knowingly had sex with a married man!! I personally find the women far more unethical compared to Tiger. But most people didn't, and that just shows the strange society we live in and how much feminism has affected our measure of what is unethical and what is not.
So I don't trust any modern form of measurement.
Asking for directions
Of course men don't ask for directions.
They check the GPS device in their car or cell phone or look it up on Map Quest. It's a lot better than stopping at the local gas station and asking some attendant who doesn't live in the area or speak English.
That's why men invented machines that will give you step-by-step directions to your desired location. Your phone will even show you a picture of the place before you get there. Thank Steve Jobs for that.
Does anyone ask for directions any more? Thanks to men, very few people do.
More proof, of course, that men are unethical. If they were ethical, they'd ask for directions instead coming up with a way to make asking for directions unnecessary.
I can honestly say I have never, not once been asked for directions by a woman. I've been asked plenty of times by men - truck drivers, van drivers, car drivers, you name it - but never by women.
I don't know where the myth that men never ask for directions has come from but in my own experience it is women who never ask, not men.
This article is just another
This article is just another misandric attack on males. While the underlying research about propensity to bend the rules may be true, the researchers are clearly anti-male when it comes to their interpretation. There are many other ways to explain the results than those presented here. For example, what about the fact that men are risk takers more than women? That would explain the difference right there. What about the fact that men are more manipulated by their image ("man up" and all that crap) than women are, and that the research results reveal how manipulated men are these days, how men feel compelled to do women's bidding, no matter what the consequences? What about the fact that women make up the rules when it comes to inter-gender relations?
My Two Cents
I have to say this study does not hold much water. First off, the researchers conducting it are entirely female. That signifies a conflict of interest. Second, Kohlberg, a prominent psychologist found the exact opposite that this study did. Namely, that men tend to understand concepts of justice better than women. It was funny, because since the results didn't paint women in a good light, Carol Gilligan had to femsplain the disparity. So, she theorized that women think of morality differently than men and created her own system of morality. I was always amazed at how whenever a psyhological study finds results not too flattering to women, people will move heaven and earth to try to justify women's behaviour. Yet, findings about men that aren't too flattering. . . well, they must be true! SMDH.
I noticed that Mini Rao claimed men's egos are more fragile than women's. If this is the case, then why is the media constantly putting down men, and walking on eggshells when it comes to women? Hmmm. . .
Good point about the directions, guys. I too have been asked for directions by men on many occasions. In all fairness, women have asked me for directions too. But generally speaking, I've had about an equal number of men and women ask.