Canada: Students vote to uphold free expression for men’s issues group

Article here. Excerpt:

'Student councillors at Queen’s University’s Alma Mater Society (AMS) voted last week to respect the right of its members to have equal access to AMS services regardless of their political views.

Queen’s University’s Men’s Issues Awareness Society (MIAS) is a registered student group and will be hosting a discussion on March 27 on campus, titled “What’s Equality Got To Do With it? Men’s Issues and Feminism’s Double Standards.” The event will include a presentation by University of Ottawa professor and author Dr. Janice Fiamengo who will discuss men’s issues.

On March 19, Queen’s student and AMS member-at-large [Redacted by Request] of the un-registered student group “Opposition to the Misrepresentation of Men’s Issues and Feminism at Queen’s University” emailed members of AMS assembly to inform them that the group would be proposing a motion at the March 20 Assembly to de-ratify MIAS “because of the manner in which its members have chosen to publicly undermine feminism and anti-rape culture discourse on campus”.'

Wikipedia on Queen's University here.

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Does anyone know how this went? Any protestors?

It's good to see MRAs at colleges to counter all the feminists and rape BS.

edit: I found this:

looks like there was a big turn out.

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It seemed to go well.
A Voice for Men livestreamed it.

Ottawa was totally disrupted by the Campus Marxist-Leninsts!
Dr. Fiamengo could not proceed due to teh totalitarian antics - and security did not seem to help by removal of disruptors - so they won.

Will University Admin apolgize for NOT defending Free Speech - doubt it.

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I don't understand why security did not do more to control the situation and why police were not called. Certainly people were robbed of their time, effort and expenses they spent to listen or to be speakers. Protestors have the right to free speech, but not at the expense of others. They should have been given one chance to leave, and if they continued to disrupt, then arrested.

From the still picture I linked to, I thought the crowed looked like a good turn-out. However after watching the video I am not sure if the crowd was there to listen or if they were protestors.

Well it does show how scared feminists are of the message.

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Feminists hate freedom of speech unless it's in agreement with them. As for campus security, they work for the administration. The administration is terrified of the campus feminists. It's that simple. So they won't do anything to stop people from disrupting any event that the campus feminists don't like to see happening.

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"- so they won."

Actually rather debatable. We have their antics documented, and I've read somewhere that a lot of the people who had come to the even "on the fence" were swayed by the protesters...that proved the argument for the MRA. Many even helped load gear and equipment, and/or signed up to events or stuff.

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Skip the AV set-up routine and various convos prior to her speaking by zooming up to time point 19:22. Intros start, and a couple students speak briefly before Prof. Fiamengo does, whose commentary starts at 28:07. Feminists were in attendance and occasionally burst out laughing, etc., but there wasn't the kind of thing seen the day after this particular talk was held.

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