India: Court denies alimony to woman, says she's capable of working

Story here. Breakthrough! For India, anyway. Wonder when the U.S. is going to have one like this? Excerpt:

'A woman has been denied alimony by a Delhi court which observed that she was capable of working as she used to do before marriage and so was not dependent upon her husband for survival.

"The couple does not have any child and therefore the woman was as independent as the man to work and maintain herself," Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) Anuradha Shukla Bhardwaj said, dismissing the appeal of the woman, a resident of Delhi, who had challenged the order of a magisterial court which had also denied her relief on similar grounds.

The court rejected the woman's plea relying on judgements of the Delhi High Court in which it had held that when husband and wife have equal educational qualifications, both must take care of themselves.

"In view of the judgements the High Court of Delhi where it has been held that wherever the wife is capable to work and had been working, she shall not be considered dependent upon the husband for her survival. There is no apparent error in the order of trial court," the sessions court said.'

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... 1) Never marry anyone who isn't or is unlikely to start working any time soon, and 2) Aside from debilitating illness/injury, never stay married to anyone who has decided, especially without much consultation with you, to refrain from working.

Such people are called "human leeches", or possibly, a bit more politely, "freeloaders", and it's time such people were no longer enabled in their leechiness by the legal system. And I'm not just talking about stay-at-home parents (95%+ of the time, wives) who think ex-husbands ought to still be forking money over to them based on a social organization/model which is very much outdated. I also include people abusing any given welfare/disability system. It's one thing if you're actually disabled; it's another thing if you're mooching off those of us who work for a living by stretching your recovery time longer than it needs to be.

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It burns me up when educated, smart and competent women (who brag about being independent and capable of doing most everything a man does) decides she is going to stay at home and not work, simply letting her husband pay for her. I see this a lot in America today. There is no good reason why these women are staying at home, because they're healthy, educated, and competent to work. They're just lazy. They are not taking care of children or elderly family members. They are simply riding on the old dependency relationship defined in the law, where the wife is the financial responsibility of the husband. It is, as Matt says, simply leeching. Here we have #543 on the list of reasons why men should not get married.

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