Glenn Sacks' Latest Newsletter Reports Opportunities for Activism

This week's e-Newsletter from Glenn Sacks is filled with good stuff. Excerpt:

"Outrage: Detroit News Ad Warns Men--Get Her the Right Valentine's Day Gift or She'll Punch You in the Face

Jeff Brown, an astute reader, sent me the incredible ad above, which has been appearing on the front page of the Detroit News' website this week. It urges men to buy the women in their lives sufficient Valentine's Day gifts or they'll get a punch in the face (note the man's black eye). The caption is "Don't let this be her response.'
NOW Leader Tells Women to Divorce Their Husbands for Valentine's Day, Take Their Money, 'Hit Them Where It Hurt$'

Feminist family law attorney Sherri Donovan, National Counsel for the National Organization for Women, is urging women to greet their husbands this Valentine's Day with the words, "Happy Valentine's Day -- Let's Get Divorced!!"

Let your voice be heard!

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This fem-lawyer's press release should be circulated far and wide on MRA sites to illustrate just how evil and deliberately calculating the fairer sex has become in its desperation to harvest men's incomes.

(Excerpts from the link) --

* The average woman experiences a forty-five percent drop in her standard of living after divorce.
TRANSLATION – She did not work, so when hubby’s wallet goes away, so does 45% of her “income.” Or, her husband made 300% more in wages than she did, at her part-time joke job.

* Eighty-five percent of custodial parents are mothers and, of those female-headed households, forty-five percent exist at or near the poverty line.
TRANSLATION – Mostly poor girls get knocked up. The feminist courts award custody to mothers whether they are employable or not.

* Only fifty percent of custodial parents are awarded child support, and of those granted support, only forty-five percent receive the full amount on a regular basis.
TRANSLATION – This is a complete feminist fabrication, i.e. a lie.

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What were you thinking?

That it is OK to suggest violent acts if coercion fails to bring about a desirable result?

You can bet I will not be spending money on these products.

What a pathetic effort.

oregon dad

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I tried to send an e-mail to the addresses Glenn supplied but they came back as undeliverable.

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Donovan's advice for women to divorce their husbands on Valentine's Day rings like a firefighter ecouraging us to burn more houses down, or a doctor advising us to develop cancer. How is a divorce lawyer qualified to make such sweeping judgements?

Feminism truely is the belief that women can be anything men are, except wrong.

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Only fifty percent of custodial parents are awarded child support, and of those granted support, only forty-five percent receive the full amount on a regular basis.
TRANSLATION – This is a complete feminist fabrication, i.e. a lie.

Of course it is a lie! Every damned thing having to do with child custody and support is a lie.

The state should only be concerned that the children are supported at least the bare minimum to sustain them. Once that is met then the state has no other business micro managing private finances in regards to child support. That is something to be worked out between the divorcing parents.

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