SAVE E-lert: Ask DED Sec'y Duncan: "Do You Abide by Affirmative Consent Mandates?"

Here we go with more craziness around preventing sexual assault on campus.

The Dept. of Education (DED) wants college students to follow Affirmative Consent requirements, which they describe as persons' "affirmative, unambiguous, and voluntary agreement" for any sexual encounter.

And, lawmakers in California claim that Affirmative Consent mandates that both partners give their explicit, verbal consent on a repeated basis throughout the process of having sex.

Now you can't ask, "Do you want me now?" to be sexy, you have to ask and get an answer, over and over again. And if anti-rape policies keep getting crazier, you better get it on audio tape, with a date and time stamp.

Let's ask DED Secy. Arne Duncan if his lovemaking sessions include this type of ongoing verbal exchange. Ask him, "The last time you had sex, did you follow Affirmative Consent requirements?"

Here's Arne Duncan's email:

And here's the info on Affirmative Consent. Check it out:

Thank you!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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"The Dept. of Education (DED) wants college students to follow Affirmative Consent requirements, which they describe as persons' "affirmative, unambiguous, and voluntary agreement" for any sexual encounter.

And, lawmakers in California claim that Affirmative Consent mandates that both partners give their explicit, verbal consent on a repeated basis throughout the process of having sex."

Translation: Both parties must throw themselves passionately at one another shouting "Yes, yes, f*ck me, yes, f*ck me now!" and then do so, then all throughout the process it has to be "Oh yes, keep doing it, yes, Oh God, f*ck me, f*ck me, don't stop f*cking me, oh God yes, keep going..." and so on. You get the idea. And both people have to be carrying on like this. Will this be required between lovers of the same sex or just for heterosexual encounters? Now, what about threesomes? Do the three people involved all have to be shouting like this the entire time? I mean, what if one wants to jump out to hold the camera? Does everything need to stop then unless the former threesome participant-tuned-videographer is still carrying on like that? Do the two men/women/woman/transgendered women/transgendered men/transgendered man and woman/etc. have to stop screaming "Oh God yes keep f*cking me!" long enough to sign consent forms for the taking of the video? And what if they have no pens to write with? Now what about foursomes or mate-swapping arrangements? Orgies? Bizarre pre-modern recreations of mythic and not-so-mythic fertility festivals involving lots of alcohol and sex?

Oh yeah, that's what they're trying to stop. Sorry, got a little distracted there. But you know, the ancient Egyptians used to throw a huge party every year in honor of Bast. It entailed a lot of drinking of wine and beer with red dye in it and a whole lot of drunken shagging all over the place. Best part of it: it was a religious obligation! Yes, it was deemed *necessary* and *pious* to participate! Wow, did we miss the boat on this one or what?! Or what about Beltane? They wore masks so no one knew who was shagging who, and more than a couple commandments could all too easily get broken willfully or not. (Well, this was before Christianity in Britain, so you have to take it in context.)

I think at a certain point, people will decide that spanking off/strumming the banjo is just easier than dealing with the PC Brigade. At this point, the Brigade will declare victory and find something else to to use to make other people miserable.

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in today's crazy litigious world sex is turning into a dangerous proposition for men. there is always another way, and it looks like robots for sex are starting to look better and better to lots of guys. check it out online.

Japan appears to have the jump on the robots for sex market. nice looking 'bots too.
saw a while back where feminists were complaining that the Japanese 'bots were too young looking.
women have been using artificial means of sexual stimulation for decades and now want to dictate what men can and can't have.

these ARE the 'bots you are looking for.

a bit pricey so far, but you know what always happens w/ popular electronic gadgets. unlike sex, the price always goes way down after the initial offering.

btw, the really expensive ones can talk, cook and clean as well. what's not to like? can't wait to see some rich movie star guy step onto the red carpet w/ a sexy Japanese lady-bot in tow. yeah, I could see that, and funny it would be. maybe wearing expensive fur and sporting some fancy jewels. oh yeah, who would be first?

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