Minnesota: Women’s Economic Security Act of 2014 unveiled at Women’s Economic Security Summit

Press release here. Excerpt:

'...The Women’s Economic Security Act aims to address a range of these economic barriers by:

  • Closing the gender pay gap, requiring private businesses that contract with the state to report on pay equity within their workforce.
  • Increasing income for working women and their families by increasing the minimum wage to $9.50.
  • Expanding access to high-quality, affordable childcare.
  • Expanding family and sick leave for working families, including paid sick and safe leave and expanding unpaid leave under the Minnesota Parental Leave Act.
  • Enhance protections for victims of domestic violence.
  • Encouraging women in non-traditional, high-wage jobs and support growth for women-owned small businesses.'
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It's amazing how much government support is needed for women to succeed in the workplace.

Gosh, I wonder who pays for all this.

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They basically want to mess with the free-market system by taking from the high-value producers and giving to the low-value or non-producers, who tend to be women. They already have completed this in the public sector, where a city engineer gets the same pay as a public relations woman. Onward to destroying the private economy. And the Chinese don't care.

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