Boy-shaming "sex education" planned for UK schools

Article here. Excerpt:

'We need to be careful when we start singling out only one group of people based on their genetic code and demanding that they “respect” another entire group of people. The reasoning is quite simple: it’s mindlessly discriminatory. It also has the potential to turn into a condescending shamefest.

  1. Not everyone in one group needs to be taught to respect others because they already do.
  2. If we single out only one group to respect other groups, no one is teaching the others to respect that group.
  3. Not every individual in any birthgroup is entitled to respect.

Of course, no one should disrespect someone based solely upon their being men, or women, or white, or black, and so forth. But teaching such values doesn’t mean we have to single out any of those groups, either.'

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...Meanwhile we have 12 year old girls singing along to Lady Gaga's "Do want ya Want with my body" and twerking like Miley Cyrus.

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