"V-Day should stand for more than just vaginas"

Essay here. Excerpt:

"As Valentine's Day approaches, tradition suggests images of gentlemen ordering flowers for a special someone and of ladies planning a romantic night on the town. This year, however, students on many college campuses are rethinking these traditional displays of affection in favor of "V-Day." But don't bother looking for the term "V-Day" inside any of your Valentine's Day cards, because Cupid has been kicked off campus."

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Excellent essay, but too bad the chosen alternative of the GW Republican groups to Ensler's silliness was to raise money for a DV facility.

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Between Liberals (usually tending to votes for Democrats) and Right wing conservatives, it seems to be getting harder to choose a side because on many issues they have the same idiotic goal they just argue over which path is the best way to get there.

The author's objection is not with the goals of V-Day 'celebrations', she just doesn't think they are going about it the correct way.

That's why feminists are so successful, they have both the left wing (their traditional home in politics) and the right wing clamoring to help them reach their goals in ways each of their respective constituents would appreciate.

Liberals are duped with big paper mache pussies and conservatives are duped by virtuous young republicans selling flowers.

I'm really not sure which image is further from true image of the modern female but I am certain neither are acurate.

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Liberals are duped with big paper mache pussies and conservatives are duped by virtuous young republicans selling flowers.

Couldn't have said it better myself. As a person who leans toward the left in other issues besides this one, I am ashamed of that side of my political tent.

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