How feminists and feminism has destroyed masculine and feminine roles

Article here. Excerpt:

'I regret not getting married when I was young. More specifically, I wish I had focused on the marriage factor, asking myself what I wanted more: a career or a family.

Unlike my mother’s generation where gender roles were uniquely defined and respected in America, the 1960s feminist movement and the offspring of liberalism has led to the death of masculinity in America today.

Gender roles have eroded to non-existence.

Starting in elementary school, teachers are drowning boys in “sensitivity,” turning men into little ‘sissies’. “They are making a toxic environment for boys. Primary education does everything in its power to turn boys into neuters,” asserts anti-feminist Camille Paglia in a recent interview.

She is absolutely correct. These same little boys grow into adults who suppress their manhood to live in a politically correct prison with “no models of manhood,” adds Paglia.'

Ed. note: Kris, a new year's present for you. :)

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... it's hard to place the blame.

Truth is, feminists could not have "destroyed gender roles" w/out the tacit agreement and cooperation with society. If certain women like the author of this article find their singlehood disturbing as well as "ungentlemanly behavior" becoming normative, then they should go complain to their mothers, since that's who they usually have to complain about being the primary driver for creating the "dating world" they inhabit.

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Even those women who have a sense for the societal damage that feminism has wrought are still blaming men. The idea that a guy wants to go dutch on the dinner bill is upsetting to her. She wants men to pay, even when she has a job and he does not. Of course it's all the guy's fault, and she says men should "man up." She needs to take some self-responsibility for the path she's chosen in life and stop blaming other people, especially men. Just because she got "baby rabies" soon before her biological clock expired doesn't mean it's someone else's fault. That's what gets me, all these thirty-something women saying that the information about fertility has been hidden from them... bullshit. They chose it ignore it. Now lie in the bed you made.

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Traditionalism is an agreement between husband and wife centered around having children, so these agreements usually form when the woman is younger and fertile. Feminism is anti-child, therefore it is more of a 50/50 domestic and financial agreement, or sometimes there is no agreement between men and women (single, lesbian).

Its very difficult (or perhaps selfish, or wanting the best of both) for a female at age 40+ try and re-negotiate the agreement she has formed with the opposite sex, and yet blame men for not wanting to re-negotiate, as if they are the ones with the problem.

Her whole article is about how feminism has turned men into undesirable creatures, while it has turned women into "superwomen". Not really a sentiment I believe, as it still holds on to the feminist attitude that women are superior. She also doesn't get that she is 40+, so the men may treat her differently then they treat a 25 year old when it comes to dating and chivalry. Men in their forties can re-negotiate and trade sides when it comes to wanting a traditional vs feminist agreement with women. Women in their forties can't. That's just how life works.

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