Wage gap between men and women almost closed for Millennials

Article here. Excerpt:

'Although the main reason the gap has closed is because women are earning more (they have risen by 25 percent over the last three decades), men are also bringing home less.

"This is a big part of the story," Parker says.

From 1980 to 2012, the median hourly wage for men has dropped 4 percent. For younger men, the drop has been 20 percent.

And it is even worse for young men without a college degree, Parker says.

"Young women are more likely to be enrolled in college," Parker says. "They are more likely to be getting bachelor's degrees. They're more likely to be getting many different types of graduate degrees."'

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When the aggregate income of women is less than that of men, it's a wage gap, implying women doing the SAME job for the same number of hours per week were actually being paid less per hour than men.

But that's not the case.

When women are consistently outearning men on aggregate simply because they are generally more qualified for higher-paying jobs, it will not be termed a "wage gap". Instead, it'll be called "progress," but it will be said that "more work needs to be done," or "there's still room for improvement," etc.

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