The Case for Female SEALs

Article here. Excerpt:

'So if the barrier to integrating women into the infantry isn’t a physical one then what is it?

It’s cultural. And that’s why the infantry may not be the best place to start in military gender integration. Instead, as counterintuitive as it might sound, the military should begin with its Special Operations Forces: elite units such as the Green Berets and SEALs. Although not the obvious move, starting here would likely make for a smoother transition over all.

The infantry, our nation’s foot soldiers, exist in a hyper-masculine culture, awash with 19-year old riflemen, “grunts” as they call themselves. For what the infantry does—combat at close quarters—that type of hyper-masculinity works. It creates an unshakable determination to accomplish the mission and to protect your friends. When fighting house-to-house in Fallujah, or valley-to-valley in Kunar Province, technology counts for very little. Culture counts for everything. That doesn’t mean it can’t be altered to accept women, but it will be different. Not better, not worse, but different.

So how do you responsibly alter the culture so women are accepted and the force remains effective?
If the military were to integrate elite formations such as the SEALs, Marine Special Operations and Army Special Forces, a few highly capable women in those communities would provide cultural proof that females can hang with “the toughest of the tough.”

Instead of being dropped into the less nuanced and hyper-masculine infantry culture, these women would prove their mettle operating in a more liberal and flexible special operations culture—and one with more cachet when it comes to convincing infantrymen of their tactical prowess. Once their contributions have been made and seen, some 19-year-old grunt in the 2d Marine Division will have a hard time rationalizing how he’s tougher than a female Captain whose seen active service as a Team Leader with 7th Special Forces Group.'

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I wish that they would either get rid of the sexist draft or make women sign up for it too, now that the combat restrictions for women have been lifted. I'd prefer the former, rather than the latter--although the latter would certainly leave a sour taste in the mouths of gender idealogues who take the sacrifices of men for granted. I'm all for women in the military, but they have to prove their merit. They shouldn't be handed special ops positions simply for possessing twice as many X chromosomes as their male counterparts.

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The real cultural change needed for women to serve in combat is to accept that women are as disposable as men. Women will also have to accept they deserve no special protections in the military or in life.

These cultural beliefs will be difficult to change, for both men and women.

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these moves against our military are not being done for women,
or for our country. the brass loyal to America and our constitution are/have being replaced by those loyal to the kenyan. notice where all the cuts are coming from? not the 250 lb. fat arses sitting on the couch, doing crack, talking on their obama-phones and waiting on a check. this is what, the third military cut in as many years? this admin. is destroying our country, piece by piece.

screw-up after screw-up after screw-up after screw-up. I understand his appointees are all affirmative action babies; however, nobody is this stupid. arming h.l.s. to the teeth for what? executive orders designed to give the chief executive's office total power during a national crisis? trying to grab the long guns (assault weapons), that statistically are seldom used in crimes?

come on folks, this little lying kenyan has an agenda for our country, and we ain't in it.

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