Barbara Kay: Battered women should not get away with statutory murder

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a just-published book, Defending Battered Women on Trial, University of Ottawa law professor Elizabeth Sheehy argues that chronically battered women should have a “statutory escape hatch” if they kill their male abusers pre-emptively rather than “live in anticipatory dread and hypervigilance.”

That is, battered women should be allowed to get away with statutory murder — killing their abuser not in spontaneous self-defence during a crisis, say, but premeditatedly killing the man in his sleep, an action that would incur a murder charge for anyone else. A number of sympathetic Canadian courts have already exonerated such women de facto. Sheehy would like the practice to be entrenched de jure.

Sheehy not only approves of battered women taking matters into their own hands, she believes we should be “grateful” to them for ensuring they never harm any woman again. To those who argue that battered women should leave their abusers rather than kill them, Sheehy claims the women have no recourse, as full shelters often turn them away and police don’t take their complaints seriously. Many observers query such assertions, but if true, the answer is to improve services, not declare open season on men.'

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Neither men nor women should be able to murder someone who is not trying to kill them, even if they are being abused by that person. If someone is getting bullied or picked on, does that give them the right to kill the bully? In conventional civil contexts, murder/killing a fellow human is justifiable only to defend against a mortal threat or a reasonable fear of an imminent mortal threat. This is why many states/provinces/countries/etc. allow for use of "deadly force" by a person being robbed by someone with a deadly weapon or as the robber is fleeing, and likewise with armed or unarmed forcible rape, or to defend one's abode after nightfall. In all cases, the law wisely grants the victims the right to assume their lives are in imminent danger. But killing a person as they are sleeping doesn't count among the justifiable conditions. If your mate really is so scary you feel homicide while they sleep is in order, simply skedaddling is also a good option.

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all it takes these days is for a woman to pick up a phone to put a man behind bars. show me a woman, or girl, who doesn't know how to use one.

they kill millions of unborn babies at all stages of development. they voted together and put a marxist piece of foreign trash in the presidency by claiming there is a war on the most pampered people to ever exist on planet earth. now they want to sue anybody and everybody who has accumulated any $$ in the workplace, on just an accusation of harassment. young boys raped and for decades no justice as teachers/women walk away from their crimes w/ a wrist slap, if that. all the while hundreds of wrongly convicted men regularly are being released after decades of being in prison for false accusations by women, proven false by d.n.a accidentally saved long ago.

filled up d.v. shelters after taxpayer's billion$ spent w/o any oversight? and now they want to be free to kill men, again only needing their accusations as proof positive.

you tell me. is it just rampant stupidity or a lack of cahones among what now passes for men, that allow women such privileges? it is disgusting whatever the reason.

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What exactly is it that you're calling BS on? What you posted had absolutely nothing to do with the article or Matt's comment

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He's calling BS on the idea that battered women can't flee their relationships, and are left with no other choice but to kill their partners.

He's absolutely right. Considering billions of taxpayer dollars are spent on resources for women to flee this very predicament, the feminists' argument falls by the wayside. It is just astounding how much they will use this topic for evil. They use it to raise money to pay the salaries of crooked people who really do nothing but further the problem, and then have the nerve to use it as justification for murder. I'm along with dave on this one, and I too am calling BS!

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