Florida Circumcision Costs Skyrocket After State Stops Funding Procedure At Infancy

Story here. Excerpt:

'This has to hurt: more and more older boys are getting circumcised in Florida.

After Florida terminated Medicaid funding for infant circumcision, circumcision costs to the state have skyrocketed to more than double previous levels.
Florida is among 18 states that ceased Medicaid funding for infant circumcision after a 1999 report by the American Academy of Pediatrics declared the procedure may not be medically necessary.

Now, Medicaid coverage is available in Florida only for older males for whom the procedure is deemed medically imperative, such as those who have suffered repeated infections.

But the procedure is far more cost-effective on babies, according to Dr. Islam. “The benefits are that the child does not have to undergo general anesthesia, there is much less cost to public monies, it’s safer for the kids to get it done and that’s the right age, as well,” Islam said in a statement.'

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... MSM circ reports: Making "jokes" about the pain circ'n victims feel.

And abt this pro-circ doctor: is there any single reason or group of them he cites that can really justify it prophylactically or in any other sense?

1. Not going under general anesthesia: If you don't really need to circumcise, the point's moot.
2. Less cost in public monies: See #1.
3. Safer for the kids: Absurd.
4. That's the right age: Again, huh? See #1.

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Here is a similar article on the same topic of Florida and newborn vs later circumcision costs.

Speaking of later circumcisions it says:

"UF Health researchers' study of data from 2003 to 2008 shows publicly funded circumcisions increased at a rate of more than six times greater than the increase of privately funded circumcisions"

Doesn't that make it seem like many of them were unnecessary? Why would people who get medical procedures done for free, need it more than people who have to pay for the procedure?

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