Men’s overtime hours are keeping the gender pay gap alive

Article here. Excerpt:

'One reason men make more money than women is because they work so much overtime.

The gender gap in pay persists due to the fact that men are more likely than women to work 50 hours-plus a week, found a recent study (pdf) published by the American Sociological Review. The extra hours—known as “overwork”—result, on average, in an extra 6% in hourly wages across all occupations. This difference has exacerbated the gender pay gap by around 10%, the study claims.

In 2000, 19% of men worked 50 hours or more per week, compared to 7% of women. The researchers suggested that women are less likely both to enter a job that demands overworking and to stay in it. And despite moves toward equality, women still tend to be more responsible than men for housework and childcare—hours that hardly count on the job but make them plenty overworked, too.'

Also see this article.

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men still tend to be more responsible than women for the income and finances--a burden which is quickly forgotten and unappreciated but nonetheless makes them overworked.

Yeah, of course they had to throw in a quip about women still being more responsible for childcare and housework. The reason for that is because men are more responsible for the income in most cases. My response to women who complain about having to do too much in terms of taking care of the home is: Okay, then shoulder the majority of the financial burden of the family the way your husband does. I'm sure he'd be happy to look after the house now that he doesn't have to spend half or more of his waking time at work.

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Absolutely correct, xtrnl. Most of the mainstream media articles about the pay gap ignore or play down the pressure on men to be the breadwinner. Same with the fact that men work the most dangerous and undesirable jobs and pay the price in death and disabling injury. Discrimination against women is invariably mentioned along with the burden of domestic chores on wives and mothers.

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