Ready for Hillary? Really?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nancy Fraser's key point applies now with the gearing up for the US presidential election in 2016. Feminism is mobilized by Hillary Clinton's supporters to sell her presidential bid, but the key point is this: Would a Clinton presidency improve the lot of women in the United States and abroad, and would Clinton be a progressive president?
Equality between men and women should lead to the emergence of many women leaders and an increased presence of women in politics. It should therefore lead to an increase in the number of women candidates at all levels of political representation. The fact that a woman is in a position to run for president is thus positive. Does it mean that voting should be restricted to a gender issue? Clinton already has done what George W. Bush and his daddy had done before: amassed money to build a war chest to crush opposition during the primaries. This is also the way Romney eliminated his Republican rivals. In other words, the Money Power sides with a candidate who then outspends and therefore outlasts all others.

In the past, when Clinton talked about a vast "right-wing conspiracy," she and her husband had a lot of enemies on the right who are still around today. Yet the Clintons have made many friends among the 1% and are supported by plutocrats who hardly differ from the fat cats in the Republican camp. In what way could she transform American politics when she already has shown her willingness to play by the rules of plutocracy? Her gender is neither here nor there.

Famous women in politics like Thatcher, Gandhi and Meir were tough and ruthless. Some feminists, usually differential feminists, argue that in a man's world women have to play by men's rules to get ahead. Maybe so. Yet this also implies that electing a woman president would not change these rules unless there were social movements to agitate for such a change.
Hillary Clinton constantly has moved toward the center of US politics. And when the center migrated rightward, she migrated with it. She might be more electable now - not because she is a woman, but rather because she is a friend of the Money Power and willing to compromise on the issues that matter to it. Feminism in this context is just a gimmick to attract some voters who place gender above any other issue. Respecting the rules of the Money Power during a campaign means toeing the line of oligarchy while in power. Neither men nor women benefit from this. Clinton and her neoliberal allies are hijacking feminism and the rhetoric of diversity.'

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Like any other pol, the Big Money has her bought. But to believe she won't through any means she can as POTUS further the feminist agenda would be naive. Nothing in her personal or political history suggests it wouldn't be a substantial part of her daily schedule. She's creative enough; she'll find ways to comply with the behind-scenes power-brokers while also finessing feminist policies and influences where she can get them in.

Remember, the great bulk of the nation's federal gov't budget is controlled by the executive branch. The person of the president is the entire executive branch; one person is 1/3 of the federal gov't, controlling nearly 100% of its budget. And while the Congress has the power of the purse and mandates how budget money is spent, it also grants the executive branch quite a lot in "discretionary spending" (i.e., money to spend any way POTUS wants to). All the checks get cut, as it were, by offices administered by POTUS. How even law-specific allocated money gets spent is hard to keep good track of. More than one president has diverted allocated funds from one use to another.

At this point, Hillary hasn't clearly stated her intention to be the Dem nominee for '16. Why this is so is hard to say. Perhaps she genuinely hasn't decided one way or another to run yet, but I'm sure she's always intended to run her entire life; after all, she went for it in '08 but lost to our current president, right? There may be no actual intention on her part to run in '16 for whatever reason and is simply collecting money to pay off her and Bill's current debts (that'd really peeve their powerful donors, but at her and Bill's age, do they care much?). Other reasons for her curious silence may include waiting out the other aspirants. If others show their hands after thinking she won't run, this'll tell her who her rivals are, as most Dems wouldn't dare to try to compete w/ the Clintons. Waiting out those not abjectly loyal to them is a good way to know who's not "on board" before possibly entrusting them with important duties in her admin'n. Or, she could be holding off on announcing she won't run in '16 as a means of giving Dem aspirants an excuse not to clobber each other until it's absolutely necessary.

There are other possibilities, too, but one thing's for sure: a Hillary presidency will do American men absolutely no good. She's a dedicated feminist. Men don't do well when feminists have power over them, do they?

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Matt, I don't think her being bought will matter.

I think she will lose.

(And this comes from someone who was once a feminist and wanted her to win.)

In (which lists all major polls), not once has she gone above 50% against Christie. And SHE is the one who is well known. So if she cannot beat him now (and, most interesting: HE is now leading her in the Quinnipiac University Poll), she will not win.

Also, I think the world is in for another falter in the economy.

And, also, the medical plan was really her's not Obama's and she will be blamed for it.

Also, her diplomatic achievements have really been based in social issues, not political issues -- especially viz-a-viz China.

And all of this will work against her.

In addition, the Republicans will play her age against her (this, is not right, but they will do it and they will succeed).

Finally, if the current growth of the men's rights movement continues, it is timed for a backlash against a matriarcahl govenment.

But there is one issue that will emerge on the radar in about year. And it is an issue that will become train wreck. And few are thinking about the implications: Amanda Knox. Now bear with me.

I think Amanda Knox will be found guilty (whether she is guilty -- and I think she is -- is another story) in this current trial. So will her boyfriend. So, when the trial hysteria peaks, we will have two men in jail and the woman free.

Italy will pursue extradition.

Clinton was once the Sec. State and she is obligated to honor extradition.

The Knox family has money and most Americans support them. This will become, I think, a train wreck worse than what Elian Gozalez did to Gore.

I believe Christie is the next president. He will lose the weight. He is good looking. He will temper himself. He is young. And he has no noose around his neck.

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Thomas, I hope you are right about Hillary Clinton, but I'm not holding my breath, I see a lot of support for her. I am worried because she is also a threat to the homeschooling community (I'm a homeschooling mom).

Just curious why you think Amanda Knox is guilty? Her family does not have that much money, the stress has taken its toll on her mothers health - she is no longer working and they spent so much on the legal expenses and traveling to Italy. Her parents are divorced and her father has younger children (probably not that young any more - but in their teens).

The only two pieces of previous DNA "evidence" has been thrown out (for good reason) and wont be introduced in the current trial and they have never established a firm motive. (they say Amanda and Raffiele helped Rudy Guede rape and kill Meredith). Neither Amanda nor Raffaele have any violence or deviant sexual history (not one former lover has come forward with anything) and "boyfriend" is a loose term, as Amanda and Raffaele had only known eachother two weeks before Meredeth's murder. Rudy Guide is currently in jail for the murder. Raffaele has never even met Rudy.

IMO, all logic points to Rudy Guede acting alone. He is the only one who left incriminating physical evidence at the crime scene such as semen, handprints and bloody footprints. He has a violent and criminal past.

PS- Although I have never met Amanda, I do have a connection to her family.

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Hey Kris

So you home school? That is wise. If we had not moved to Norway, I would have done the same. When I was a prof. in the US, I served on the National Committee for K12 Engineering Education. I can point you to many engineering lessons that are free and adhere to rigorous pedagogy.

Start here:
(At the top, there is a link for lesson plans for teachers)
But be very cautious (and I will now wax Men's Rights): most of those lessons are DESIGN engineering based and lack mathematical rigor (they were constructed to use teamwork and eliminate the math to help the girls: which, I think, is an insult). I am anticipating an explosion of anger in about five years when these engineering students trained in engineering in the K12, still fail. I feel that men will be blamed for being sexist. I see something fundamentally wrong with how they are deploying engineering modules in the K12 (esp. for girls... I have a daughter and I am teaching her engineernig my own way). THey are IGNORING engineering ANALYSIS which involves mathematical applications and is much more difficult.

Also, FWIW: have your kids focus on ALGEBRA OVER CALCULUS: Algebra will become more important that Calculus in the future. Think Calculus = STUDY OF CHANGE. Think: ALGEBRA = STUDY OF set theory, number patterns (DNA, voting records, credit cards, pharmeceuticals, oil exploration).

(I could go on how the current pegagogy hampers boys and girls... but not now.)

As for Hillary, I agree she looks formidable. But if she were that formidable, her poll numbers should be above 50. This tells me that MORE than 50 do not approve (and they have known of her for, what? 20 years? --- NOT a good sign). Her perceived formidibility is an orchestration, I think. Now all it will take is a well orchestrated response by the Republicans and time is on their side. I actually used to like her. But I find I cannot stomach Bill Clinton more than I cannot stomach her. I find he is a terrible example for good men: good men do not cheat on their wives. And he is willing to throw men under the bus so he can become first lady -- oops! Sorry... first man.

I think she will lose -- in huge part because of women -- but the reaction will be against men.

As for Amanda, I spent a lot of time in Italy before this trial became sensationalized. I recall one headline that said "Hey, Amanda, this is not the US, you can't blame the black guy."

The Knox family is not poor. I think that is orchestrated by the public relations firm they hired -- and they hired the best (forget, now, the name). I do not think, from what I recall before this became sensationalized, that she actually committed the killing. But she did take part, I think, in a sex game (not from a predilicton toward engagement, but from drugs) gone awry and bears a measure of culpability.

Who knows! She may be found guilty, maybe not. But my sense in the Italian press is that it will be a guilty verdict. I could be wrong and have been many times. But if she is found guilty, that is the train wreck for Clinton.

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I will also add that I used to be a socialist.

But my change has all been in the last year (migration away from Democrat and migration to men's rights --- and woman's rights in balance.)

Socialism works here in Norway. THe country is small and they can pull it off. And there is pressure on all to work despite the Nanny State. The reason is that here, the computer system is used to identify health care, driving, speeding tickets, voting, education, taxes -- it is practially all one system. And there is a lot of pressure to do well and achieve.

I no longer feel it works in the US. I think the US is too big and diverse for a nanny state. I think the US is more suited to Capitalism.

I no longer believe "one size fits all."

I voted for Obama twice. And I feel disgusted with myself. He is going to destroy the excellence of the American health care system. My son was born with a right coronary fistula requiring open heart surgery at the age of seven weeks. (If they did not catch it, he would have been one of those athletes that drop dead at the age of 20.) He is nine now and doing very well. Even my socialist wife says it would not have been caught if he were born in Norway at the time. His care here now is very good. But the surgeons were in the US.

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Yes, I homeschool. I always knew I would to do whatever it takes to keep my children out of school. I have many reasons from lifestyle preference to my somewhat paranoid fear of government and privacy issues. Most of all, I just think I can do it better.

I share your concerns about math in public schools. My state was one of the leaders in this new math, and my parents were leaders in fighting it. Fortunately I went to private school for most of my years, so I was not exposed to it as much as others. I still have some of my old text books that I use for my kids, but like many homeschoolers I use Singapore Math.

Thank you for the links and the advise. I will definitely incorporate some of those projects from the site.

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This seems to be the latest in the case.

from the article:

"[The prosecutor] argued that Knox and her co-defendant Raffaele Sollecito acted in concert with a third man, who was convicted separately, in an explosion of violence sparked by tensions between the roommates over cleanliness."


BTW, in the beginning Rafaele was offered a plea deal. If he would implicate Amanda, he could go free (or lesser charge or something like that). He declined because as he said they weren't there, and he could never do that to another human being who didn't deserve to be prosecuted for something she didn't do.

....And he was hardly her "boyfriend" as they had only known each other two weeks prior to the murder. So it is really a show of his character that he would not turn on her to save himself.

Raffaele is a good man. I will feel so sorry for him if he is found guilty. I don't know which way things will go. But if Amanda is convicted by anything less than American standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt", then I don't think the US should extradite her (she would be entitled to an appeal anyway). The verdict is expected around Jan 10th.

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