Urgent Petition: Don't Export Discrimination Against Male and LGBT Victims

From a NPO email:

A member of Congress has introduced a bill called the International Violence Against Women Act that would provide foreign aid for domestic violence programs only for women abused by men. It would ignore and marginalize men abused by women as well as LGBT victims. We have started a new petition calling on members of Congress to vote against the bill and hope you'll take a moment to sign it.

Thank you for your support.

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throwing tax $$ into the dark hole of u.s. feminism (v.a.w.a.) would be enough for debt weary Americans. its obvious this spendthrift administration has found yet another way to throw $$ away in other countries that probably despise us. guess its easier to get kickback $$ into those overseas accounts from crooks overseas. no way to track it.

yet more proof some are out to destroy us in every possible way. trillion$ in debt and you go for new overseas spending? yeah, that's good $$ management, in bizarro-world where we all apparently live these days. if fem's want to help so bad, use it from the billion$ you get from taxpayer$ now w/o any accountability.

maybe they should start screaming how its really 'for the children'! or not doing so just declares 'war' on overseas women. their victim playbook is extensive.

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