Promotes Violence Against Men as V's Day Fun is running a female-oriented Valentine's Day promotion on their homepage that promotes violence against men. As always, this hate is billed as "simply humor" and "not to be taken seriously". We all know the score on that one, but the fact remains that now has a photograph of the, "man-shaped knife holder" on its homepage.

You know what to do...

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Thanks for the notice.

oregon dad

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Of course Valentine's Day stinks for some of these feminists. Have you SEEN some of them? Who the hell would want to buy them flowers?

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If you have an account with, I don't think you'll see the image of the misandrist knife holder.

At least, I couldn't find it.

I've seen the product on other sites, and it is vile. And marketed as a "cute" kitchen utility.

You could never make a parallel product that inserted knives into a woman's vagina, stabbed her breasts, sliced her womb.

That would be wrong.

I'm surprised the manufacturer has not paid Lorena Bobbitt to be the spokesmodel.

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I was just there several days ago and saw the usual holiday related crap, but nothing like a man-shaped knife holder.
At the bottom of the first page you can even vote against the holiday at their "Amazon Love Meter" (or even for it if you prefer). When I clicked it, I got to a page of holiday gift categories; I tried both "For Her" and "For Friends/Family" but didn't see it listed. (Gee, I wish someone would get me a 4Gb iPod Nano...)

But by searching under Kitchen & Housewares for "knife holder" I was able to locate something creepy: 'The Ex'.

Yes, that's certainly unique. Look for the pincushion style toothpick holder which goes along with it. That's the sort of stuff you might pull out for Halloween, but not otherwise.

I'm going to email and see if they can find those in the shape of a female, cause after all, I have to live up to my rep as a noted misogynist - wouldn't want to let anyone down.

* MB

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