Edmonton Men Speak Against Men's Right Group

Video and article here. Excerpt:

'Men in Edmonton are responding to a controversial men's rights group, making it clear that the "misogynistic" movement isn't a voice for them.

In a video titled 'A Voice For Men Is Not A Voice For Me,' a few Edmonton men are taking their voice back, saying the group isn't an accurate representation of the beliefs of all men; and that they're concerned about the effect the movement may have on Edmonton.

"The idea that they represent all of men's rights is complete fallacy," says Barret Weber, sociologist and instructor at the University of Alberta, in the video.

"This is a voice against fear-mongering politics that shame and oppress the voices of survivors of sexual assault," says another participant.'

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I've posted a number of comments to that video. Some of them have disappeared or never appeared. I think it is being heavily moderated.

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Why should they be any different from other pro-feminist news outlets?

Feminism isn't about equal rights. If it were, that'd include the equal right to speak one's mind re a published article like others who are permitted the space and opportunity. Dissent however, and your argument goes unseen. Assent and it's displayed. Equal rights? No. Never has been, never will be, not when talking about feminists.

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