F4J-USA: Fathers claim inequities in family court

Story here. Excerpt:

'Fathers 4 Justice, which protested with picket signs on Jan. 12, has scheduled a demonstration from 10 a.m. to noon Feb. 15 in front of the Lucas County Domestic Relations Courthouse, 429 N. Michigan St.

Judi Smith-Phelps, one of Fathers 4 Justice's national board of directors, said they want to educate the public on “real problems in family court.”

“The courts are assessing child support and alimony payments that put fathers in the poor house,” she said.

Smith-Phelps said if both parents are declared “fit,” children should have 50-50 access to them.

She said while some women are affected by court decisions, it is the men who are “overwhelmingly” affected.

“Most of the men would give every scrap of what they had to see their children,” she said.'

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""Ray said the number of child support cases resulting in a parent being found in contempt ranges from 3,000 to 4,000 compared to 50 to 60 visitation cases that are violated and a parent is found in contempt.

The discrepancy in the number of cases results from the LCCSEA actively enforcing child support payment orders; whereas with visitation order violations, it is up to the parent to contact the court, he said.""

- If child support payments were tied directly to "visitation" and access to the children - in other words, "no visitation = no child support" - then this access issue would be administrated directly by the court system. Right now it is supposed to be an "honor system" (gag).

Access and visitation must have dollars tied to it in order to get "enforcement" of these orders. Otherwise the State is fat and happy just the way things are today. They have no bacon in the visitation game.

Of course, the correct solution to all of this is 50% physical custody and the ellimination of child support all together. But that would assume that women could actually work for a living to support their kids. And there are those women that believe they have a "right" to stay home when they have kids.

oregon dad

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50/50 joint physical custody would also have to assume that men by default are not wife beating child molesting horny rage machines.

This would certainly be a welcome change from the status quo as well.

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