"Movember" Is Here

Read about "Movember" at http://us.movember.com/ and at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movember. And, I'd like to say mea culpa for not giving the heads-up on Movember in time for readers to participate by securing sponsors, etc. But it's still just the start of November; if you are inclined, you can always grow your 'stache and when asked why, talk about "Movember". Excerpt from their Vision, Values, and Goals page:

"Campaign Strategy & Goals:
We will get men to grow moustaches and the community to support them by creating an innovative, fun and engaging annual Movember campaign that results in:

  • Funds for men's health program investment
  • Conversations about men's health that lead to:
    • Greater awareness and understanding of the health risks men face
    • Men taking action to remain well
    • When men are sick they know what to do and take action

Program Goals:
Living with and Beyond Cancer

Men living with prostate or testicular cancer have the care needed to be physically and mentally well.

Staying Mentally Healthy, Living with and Beyond Mental Illness

  • Men are mentally healthy and take action to remain well
  • When men experience mental illness they take action early
  • Men are not treated differently when they experience a mental illness

Men's Health Research
We will fund innovative research that builds powerful, collaborative teams that accelerate:

  • Improved clinical tests and treatments for prostate and testicular cancer
  • Improved physical and mental health outcomes for men"
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'But the real impact is being felt in prostate cancer and testicular cancer research, which has received a massive boost.

Prostate Cancer UK receives £15m from Movember and puts half of that into research and the other half into community support services.

Iain Frame, head of research at the charity, says the funding has made a huge difference.

"There has been less investment in prostate cancer than in breast cancer up until now, partly because it's a more complicated disease. We're currently over-diagnosing it because there isn't a routine screening test.

"Prostate cancer cases have doubled in the past 10 years and we can see the Movember effect in the past four years as the level of investment has started to spike."'

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As I may have mentioned, my wife and I have left the US. (My wife was disgusted by American feminists and that was one aspect of our motivation.)

I now teach in a Norwegian engineering school.

Yesterday was the first day of Movember and I got to the meeting hall early as the men began to enter. Then there was this lull.

And a flood of women entered: it was like a stream of light and love.

I was absolutely stunned by their arrival. They care so much about their men. This is so rare in the US.

I just wanted to share that.

I know it is not proper but I am not doing the moustache, I am doing the full beard and stache by my wife's request -- she prefers that (she is good to me and I honor her).

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That's surprising about Norway. I assumed that women there would be even more feminist than in the United States and other English speaking countries as Sweden in particular rates high in that regard. But you would know it better than I do, so I guess it's not the case.

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In general, you are correct. Much of Scandanavia has gone a bit misandrist.

But there are pockets of awareness...

Recall that it is here that countries are considering banning circumcision.

Also, here in Norway, fathers get six months fully paid paternity leave. I have never seen so many dads with kids. It is beautiful to see the state support them.

I recognize however, that things do get bad. But the focus here were college age guys and their girlfriends.

Now this, by the way, opens up a lot of thought. In the US, men are 40% of the enrollment in college. Discounting gay men and lesbians (no judgement here; and they have my support), this really means one guy for every two girls.

I am wondering why the men are not exercising their privilege. Why date feminists? Why not wait to be asked on the date and have the woman pay? Why capitulate to Valentine's Day or its feminist counterpart V-Day.

Part of wishes to return to the US and become a faculty leader for the frats. But I am enjoying life here.

And I will be meeting with people at NCFM in January when I return for two weeks to pack up my old office in San Diego. I will ask them about how to sponsor a men's group on campus.

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