Man suing company over sexual harassment by female supervisor

Story here. Excerpt:

'CARIBOU, Maine — A Caribou man has filed suit against a Moses Lake, Wash. company that operates a plant in Easton, claiming he was sexually harassed by a female supervisor and then subjected to retaliation by co-workers when he complained about it.
Among other acts, Bouchard claims in court documents that the woman rubbed his chest with her hands, put her hands under his shirt, rubbed her chest on his back, whispered unwanted vulgar comments into his ear, propositioned him and openly talked about her sex life with him.
Bouchard refused to report the conduct to the facility supervisor out of fear that the woman would retaliate against him, so his girlfriend called the facility supervisor and reported it on his behalf in October 2011. An investigation was launched, and several co-workers confirmed the harassment took place, according to court documents.
In December 2011, Bouchard filed a charge of discrimination with the Maine Human Rights Commission alleging sexual harassment and retaliation.
He was issued a right to sue letter by the Maine Human Rights Commission in August 2012. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission retained dual jurisdiction of the complaint in 2011, and they issued a right to sue letter in October 2012.

Bouchard is seeking compensatory damages, back pay, punitive damages, attorney’s fees and any further relief deemed proper by the court.'

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Men need to take these things seriously and fight fire with fire.
Quit apologizing for these women's actions just because you're a tough man. This will only stop or lessen if you start holding them accountable.


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