IA: Thanks to you, people in Cincinnati - and the country - are listening

Last week, we made a difference. Last week, more than fifty people gathered outside Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio to protest its circumcision clamp study... and people heard us.

  • We know people heard us because they shouted their support—and, in some cases, their anger.
  • We know people heard us because two different TV stations showed up to cover our press conference.
  • We know people heard us because a hospital employee blogged about how our protest made circumcision a "major topic of conversation" among hospital staff.
  • We know people heard us because the hospital released a statement in response to us.

Please take a moment to read my report from our protest—a protest which could not have happened without the support of thousands of intactivists like you. More than 6,400 people signed our letter (if you haven't signed it yet, it's not too late to add your name because we plan to send a second set later this year). And together we raised more than $10,000, with every penny going to our presence in Cincinnati.

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I wish I could have been there so support you but I now live in Norway. I was, in spirit.

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Really good effort guys, well done !! I have added my details.

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