The Film "The Heat"

I recently discovered and saw a new film that came out called "The Heat" which came out in August 2013. It stars Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy.

I have never seen so much sexist anti-male hatred in a film before. I nearly stopped watching it after about 20 minutes as it really just took it to the extreme.

You have McCarthy's character calling out that she wanted to "rupture" the man's balls she was chasing, and an interrogation that resulted in her character pointing a gun at the perp's genitalia and threatening to shoot him. In the final scene you see Sandra Bullock come sliding into a room and shooting a man in his genitalia when there was no reason to do so.

It made me so angry that this film had even been made; they have never made a film where people go around shooting women in the breasts or in the vagina, as it would be looked down upon as just crude and disrespectful. Yet in this film, they took every opportunity they had to attack men and their genitalia.

Apparently the film was written by a feminist who clearly had a chip on her shoulder but I am seriously disappointed that this got made. What's more worrying is that people don't seem to be picking up on the huge feminist undertones of the movie and instead are just congratulating it on its comedic value.

I am quite active on the boards trying to highlight the sexist nature of the film. I have already seen off several feminists that have come along to defend the film's approach. If you haven't seen the film I wouldn't recommend buying it or in any way, shape, or form giving money to the feminists who created it. But I thought I would let you guys know just in case you hadn't heard about it. Not sure if any of you are members on the board but feel free to comment.

Here is a link to the board:

Here is a link to one of the bigger threads on the subject of sexist content:

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Does anybody remember "The World According to Garp"?

That was one long and vindictive castration joke.

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OMG! Bill Burr is in this. I don't believe it. Welcome to my shit list, Bill.

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Admittedly, last time I saw "Garp" was at least 20 years ago. But I recall that Garp's mother was a committed 1970s-style feminist who got pregnant with Garp by having sex with a seriously-wounded sergeant in the hospital she worked in as a nurse. He was raised around feminists and in one scene I recall he dresses as a woman to attend a women-only speech being given to a group of women who have pledged never to utter another word again in tribute to a woman who had been raped and had her neck slashed by the rapist, leaving her incapable of speaking again. However, Garp gets made as a man by a woman in the audience and she jumps up and points at him. A number of women in the audience then chase after Garp. He eludes them only to run into a woman who is likewise speechless and at first he thinks she's from the audience but she conveys to him that she is in fact the woman who had been raped and whose neck was slashed. She then writes out something on a piece of paper, reading along the lines of "stop the hate". Not that Garp can do much to do that, but that was the scene.

Anyway, Garp's upbringing by a feminist is a fact of his life and is shown to affect some of what happens to him but as I recall, most of the movie really concerns Garp's daily trials, including the discovery toward the movie's end of his wife's affair with one of her students. Part of that discovery includes the emasculation of the student under freak-accident circumstances.

Is "Garp" a patently misandrist film? Based on my recollection, I wouldn't say so. But it does feature feminists in various forms and formats, with Garp's mother being a somehow more-sympathetic incarnation of same. At least she didn't give Garp up for adoption because he was male (as more than a few "radfems" have done) and seemed in the movie to be committed to his welfare as he was depicted growing up.

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