"Why Girls and Science Don’t Mix"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Equality Police are unhappy. It seems that despite their best efforts women still aren't entering the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as men are. You may not care about this — but you should. Because when the Equality Police become unhappy, we get bad policy such as the leftist desire to apply Title IX dictates to STEM, which would effectively eliminate opportunities for men in those fields.

Bringing this to mind is a recent study from The University of Texas at Austin’s College of Education. You can imagine its conclusions. Women aren’t rejecting STEM because they lack math and science skills, but because of “cultural expectations,” “gender stereotypes” and “social structures.” My, I guess we must completely upend society because our cultural-social-gender-expectation-structure thingamajig is thoroughly discombobulated.
After pointing out that even in 2011 Norway, virtually all nurses are women and most every engineer is a man, comedian-turned-documentarian Harald Eia interviewed various “experts” about the phenomenon. He then learned of research indicating a strong biological basis for sex-specific job preference. Dr. Trond Diseth of Norway’s National Hospital explained that from the age of nine months, boys gravitate toward “masculine” toys while girls choose “feminine” ones. ...
Yet why are women in less egalitarian nations nonetheless more likely to pursue STEM? Lippa explained what’s obvious, saying, “In the gender-egalitarian countries like Norway, you really are free to follow your inclinations.... In a poor country, you’re probably worried about just getting a job. And if computers are going to get you that job — in India, for example — you’ll go for it.” For sure, there aren’t many opportunities for “gender” researchers in the land of sati and saris.'

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... I've noticed tend to be all in, as they say. Dedicated scientists of either sex are very necessary to our civilization's continued development. Really, we need more scientists. I'll take them in any genderal package, thank-you.

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