Video: Boys Suspended [for entire year] for Playing with Toy Guns at Home

Story here. Summary:

'A school In Virginia Beach is attempting to extend its policies into student’s homes. Two 7th graders were suspended for playing with toy guns on their own property. A school committee voted to suspend one of the students, Khalid Caraballo, for an entire year.'

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The school gets rid of the two things they have zero tolerance for - boys and guns.

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School boards have been extending their authority beyond the school grounds for some time now. The most egregious overreach has been occurring in the name of "anti-bullying" campaigns. As part of this, many now have social media policies that punish comments on Facebook, and other such outlets, even if the child does not use such sites at school.

Anything that "can carryover into the classroom" is now considered within the authority of the school board to control. This is an extreme extension to their powers, since any activity in which a student engages while out of school can be considered within the board's purview.

Right now, school boards are using their authority mainly to control guns and social media. However, I seriously doubt it will stop there. I expect to see policies similar to what we have in the corporate world, such as those pertaining to sexual harassment, before very long.

Be afraid when the gender-ideologues realize just how much power they can now exert!

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Schools have been overstepping their bounds for years. They are big brother trying to raise your children. They keep increasing their role beyond academics .

The feeling I get from this story is that they don't trust the parents to discipline their own children, they don't trust the parent's attitude about guns (schools are anti-gun, so they want everyone to be as well) and since these parents did such a poor job at controlling their kids, the school has stepped in to help (/sarcasm).

Even with graduation requirements, high schools are demanding more afterschool hours from kids. My state added 20 hours of community service to receive a diploma. It may sound like a good thing, but why should schools control how you spend your weekends?

Hilary Clinton is a leader on taking control away from parents and giving it to the government (school are part of the government). Free Pre-school has always been part of Hilary's platform (provided by the government of course, it would become part of the public school K-12 system). Like I say, people love "free" stuff. This is another opportunity for the government to grab more control of your kids, and of course it expands the teacher's union which is a large part of the democratic party. Please don't be fooled by claims of free preschool.

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