Air Force Academy hires feminist ideologue to teach course on gender

Article here. Excerpt:

'A controversial professor who critics say is a feminist ideologue is instructing cadets at the United States Air Force Academy this year on gender issues as the military attempts to curb sexual assault.

Dr. Chris Kilmartin, a psychology professor at the University of Mary Washington, has described violence as “a men’s issue,” called abuse by men “the single most serious health problem for women in the United States,” and said the sexes are not “opposite.” Critics say he has embellished statistics to support his teachings.
Christina Hoff Sommers, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and former philosophy professor, said in an email that Kilmartin’s focus on the purported violent attributes of men is misplaced.

“[Healthy young men] assert their masculinity in ways that require physical and intellectual skills and self-discipline. In American society, the overwhelming majority of healthy, normal young men don’t batter, rape, or terrorize women; they respect them and treat them as friends,” she said.

“Kilmartin appears to have overlooked the critical distinction between healthy and aberrational masculinity. He takes aberration as the norm. That is why it is so troubling that the United States Military is drawing so heavily on his expertise. He is an expert in gender ideology—not masculinity,” she said.
“Combating sexual assault and sexual harassment within the ranks is our number one priority,” Gen. Ray Odierno, Army chief of staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee in June.

However, critics have questioned the reliability of the surveys and noted that sexual assault rates in the military have declined over time.

University of San Diego law professor Gail Heriot, in a statement she provided for inclusion in a U.S. Commission on Civil Rights report, said rates of unwanted sexual contact “dropped dramatically” in 2010, by 35 percent for women and 50 percent for men.
“Men’s violence is the single most serious health problem for women in the United States. It causes more harm than accidents, muggings, and cancer combined,” Kilmartin wrote in NOMAS.

“For women aged 15-44, an estimated 50% of emergency room visits are the result of violence at the hands of their husbands, boyfriends, ex-husbands, or ex-boyfriends.”'

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"“Combating sexual assault and sexual harassment within the ranks is our number one priority,” Gen. Ray Odierno, Army chief of staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee in June."

You would have hoped that the number one priority of the Air Force would be defeating the enemy.

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"A controversial professor who critics say is a feminist ideologue is instructing cadets at the United States Air Force Academy this year on gender issues as the military attempts to curb sexual assault."

"...described violence as “a men’s issue,” called abuse by men “the single most serious health problem for women..."

This is taking place in an environment in which the majority of the sexual assault victims are actually male. Truly despicable.

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Isn't NOMAS the organization that defined "raising your voice, walking away and using logic" against women as abusive behavior?

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