Summers drops bid to head the Fed

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON — Facing strident opposition from women’s groups and fellow Democrats, Obama administration economic confidante Lawrence H. Summers removed his name from consideration to the head the Federal Reserve, the White House said late Sunday.
Until Sunday, he appeared to have support from the one person who mattered most, Obama. That support cost Obama politically, as women’s groups, especially the National Organization for Women, were furious that he appeared ready to pass over an accomplished woman, current Fed Vice Chairman Janet Yellen.

“On absolute facts and merits, she is better than any of the men,” Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, told McClatchy just days before Summers withdrew. “For the president to pass her by is exactly what women’s organizations have been struggling against for decades. How dare he hold himself up as a proponent of women’s rights then slam a glass ceiling on Janet Yellen’s head?”'

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Way too neat and clean. I doubt it's as cut and dried as appeasing hopped-up feminists. Wonder what the dirty little secrets look like? :)

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How dare anyone disagree with NOW! In feminist Bizarro world, the female candidate is always more qualified.

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"It’s that in Summers he’d be picking a man who in 2005 was effectively fired from the presidency of Harvard University for comments that women may lack an “intrinsic aptitude” for science and engineering. It was a way of suggesting that women aren’t genetically as smart as men."

Actually Larry never said that women weren't as smart as men. He was curious why so few women enter the STEM fields, and was simply entertaining the possibility that perhaps males have a greater interest in such subjects. This is libel, and I would expect better from a publication such as this.

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