Attorney uses controversial ad to warn men about child support

Article here. Excerpt:

'Local attorney Mark Davis is taking a cynical approach to what he says is a growing problem in the state of Texas.

Davis created an advertisement that is targeted toward women. It asks them how they would like to make thousands of dollars by staying at home, and instructs them how to do so by following simple steps.

1) Get pregnant and have a baby.
2) Once the baby is born, get rid of the father.
3) Get child support money by using a state-appointed, free attorney to sue the father.
4) Spend the money on trips without the child.
5) Spend the money on drinking, expensive restaurants, and clubs.

"Guess what? That's all legal in Texas," Davis said.'

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It's even worse that all that as shown in Witch-Hunting Males at Youtube.

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It's great that the lawyer is just telling the truth, straight out. At the very least it alerts men to the dangers of the current legal system.

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If a woman has a "free attorney" (the type that see you five minutes before you go in front of a judge), then she is must be below the poverty line. These single mothers don't have money for expensive restaurants and vacations, and besides who watches the kids? This doesn't add up.

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