Grommet CEO to Obama: Make VCs fund women, or lose tax benefit

Article here. Excerpt:

'Here’s a bold idea to make venture funding equal for man and woman.

End the carried interest tax loophole for any venture firm that doesn’t fund the same amount in women-owned businesses as men-owned.

If you’re thinking ‘Whoa,’ then you know how many millions of dollars could be at stake for investors forced to pay taxes on venture capital returns at the normal rate (instead of the much lower capital gains rate.)

But the idea is compelling considering the argument of the woman who dreamt it up and pitched it to President Barack Obama in a blog post yesterday.'

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A typical feminist solution to a perceived, but ultimately ficticious problem. Don't let women do anything on their own; force the government to help them do everything. This is a horrible and Stalinist idea completely contrary to the principles of capitalism. More proof that feminism really is just Marxism in panties.

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