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Feminist Civil War Author on Deck to Succeed Summers at Harvard
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-02-09 16:45
Hang onto your hats (bonnets), Harvard! Here she is!
Some reading:
Her amazon.com list of books
"For Radcliffe: A 'Founding Dean'", Harvard Magazine, May-June 2000
Harvard University announces Task Forces on Women Faculty and Women in Science and Engineering
Well, is it any surprise, REALLY??!
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ahh sweet irony
So let me get this straight: The previous white male president is forced to step down for daring to claim that men and women are biologically different and therefore have different proclivities when it comes to abilities and talents. To remedy the situation, a feminist white female is being chosen because she is bilogically a female and therefore qualified to be president.
If I weren't an intelligent white man, this would be hillarious.
Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"
From NOW...Kim Gandy's comments:
"Larry Summers, we couldn't have done it without you," said NOW President Kim Gandy. "Harvard is in need of bold leadership, a visionary with innovative ideas, and someone who can redefine a university still reeling from the bad taste left by Mr. Summers. Before coming to Radcliffe she was the director of the Women's Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania."
Gandy must have had an orgasm when she heard the news.
I suspect virtually every initiatve by the new female president will deal primarily with "empowering" women at the expense of males. Watch the male enrollment drop over the years because an uncomfortable environment will certainly be created.
It should be both interesting and disgusting to watch Harvard morph into an anti-male college. Just a continuing trend through out our nations education system.
Question: Why does Radcliffe still need to exist? Women have two Ivy League options at Harvard, men only have one.
I have no problem with a female running Harvard....but NOT a feminist!.
Former Women Studies director running Harvard? Looks like all male students will be forced to urinate sitting down.
I wonder if Dr. Drew Gilpin Faust will get the same jet as Nancy Pelosi, fully equiped with a state of the art entertainment unit so she can enjoy watching "Thelma and Louise" in high definition.
I submitted a story about Nacy's Jet but it never got posted
The thing I like least about this site is that the site administrator only seems to allow posts that fit his ideas of what are and are not mens issues.
Maybe he likes Pelosi and think she needs a bigger jet then any predecessor before her ever received. Maybe he doesn't think it's hypocritical that she is leading a group in Washington to usurp control of automotive emissions regulations to encourage Americans to drive smaller more fuel efficient cars to support a greener tomorrow yet thinks it's necessary for her to have the jet equivalent of a Hummer.
He did not like another story that I submitted about the "gender gap" in heart disease that is now being touted on false pretenses in Canada either. I guess he thinks women should get preferential treatment at the cost of male live when it comes to heart disease.
If these are not his personal cherry picking of issues and merely a glitch in the web site or on the server then they need to be corrected. Readership is already extremely low on this site and the administrator maintaining strict control of what is and is not acceptable to him personally as a topic of discussion is not helping gain more readers or posters. This site is terribly slow to update and covers an extremely narrow scope of mens issues stories for a user created site.
Sorry for the rant it's just frustrating that an MRA site appears to have such broad censorship of ideas. Like I said, if it's a site issue or a server issue - fix it.
This could be a great site but the usability sucks because it takes days for submitted stories to appear on the main site and often they never do.
Sorry for the rant, I am just wondering if I am alone in my feelings or not.
On topic though, there may be nothing that can stop the complete feminist takeover of Ivy League institution in America at this point. This appointment is merely par for the course.
Harvard About To Be "Deconstructed..."
This woman is a stereotypical 2nd Wave tenured Gender Feminist with a huge axe to grind against the Evil Patriarchy.
Can you imagine a more stellar achievement in the herstory of rad feminism than to be able to say ... "I busted Harvard for the girls!"
Check out her address to students in 2005 -(excerpts):
"Mingling Promiscuously: A History of Women and Men at Harvard" ---
"You enter an institution that has made a commitment to the equality of all members of the community, regardless of gender; this is a university that has articulated its dedication to the success of every student, male or female. But I invoke the past today to remind you that such commitments are not deeply rooted in Harvard’s history, that they require a transformation rather than an extension of tradition, and that such transformation requires work and attentiveness. An institution that less than a century
ago defined itself as an incubator for virility is still working out how fully to incorporate women...
Undergraduate women’s numbers are at last almost equal to those of the men—women comprise 48 percent of this year’s entering class. But the faculty that will teach you still has only 17 percent women
among its tenured ranks. All of this is happily changing: 46 percent of new tenured appointments to the faculty in Arts and Sciences this year are women. And remember that as recently as 1970 women comprised 0 percent of the tenured faculty. Both history and present-day reality define Harvard as a work in progress on the gender question...
But you too must take advantage of this extraordinary moment at Harvard - must as both women and men affirm your equal right to be the norm, to define Harvard as being a woman’s as much as a man’s space. To do that, I believe you must understand not just the Harvard world you see most immediately before you, but the history that has produced it. When you hear—in this most wonderfully tradition-bound institution—that something is because it has always been that way, take a moment to ask which of the past’s assumptions are embedded in this particular tradition. If men and women are to be truly equal at Harvard, not all traditions can be."
Is she black, does anyone know?
I didn't check out all the links so maybe one of them has a photo; but judging from her reading list, with virtually all the books being about the old South and the Confederacy, it sounds like if she is black she is trying to play 3 cards: Black trapped in the old South; woman trapped in an old-fashioned patriarchy; and intellectual trapped in the old South. If she is NOT black, then it is obvious she equates the "oppression" of women with slavery, and is also trying to get blacks to become allies of feminists (she is not the first one to do this).
Equating the supposed oppression of women with slavery, should be an insult to blacks everywhere in the U.S., since it trivializes their former situation.
Not Black --- Probably Not Hetero.....
The link I posted has a nice studio photo.
She's white, semi-unattractive, kinda lesbian-looking, and needs a better haircut and more make-up.
Not much of a change from Larry Summers, IMHO. ;-)
My Bad .... Wrong Link: Photo Here
The .pdf link I posted DOES NOT HAVE a nice studio photo.
This one does ---
Anybody got a manual on the copy/paste error codes in XP?
If this doesn't produce a photo, I will drive to Harvard and shoot her with my cell phone....
You can always appeal...
Sorry you don't like my "censorship", Paragon. You are not the only person some of whose posts though don't make it on the site. There have to be decisions mad about what gets posted. Not everyone will agree with these decisions, particularly the submitter (as is to be expected).
I would go over both posts with you right here but don't want to set the precedent for each of my (or another admin's) decisions about posting or not posting a story or other type of submission needing point by point review and explanation. Suffice it to say, if you ever feel a submission needs to be reconsidered after it doesn't show up after 1 or 2 days, you can always send it directly to the MANN admins list and ask that it be considered. Scott, the site owner, is of course also on that list, and ultimately he can decide to post or not post whatever he feels like on this site.
But believe me when I say any decisions about submissions me or anyone else makes are not personal in that we don't care who is submitting them; we review them for form, content, germaneness, and that's all. These are judgment calls, and as such are subjective. There is no way to change that.
Well, it couldn't have been my "germaneness"....
....cause I'm French, not German.
and it can't be grammar because many of your own posts have less then perfect grammar
Example: "You are not the only person some of whose posts though don't make it on the site"
Either you meant that or really you do not need either word for the sentence to make sense.
I know, I'm the last person who should be criticizing a persons grammar - cause mine sucks, but really, that's my whole point. If you can't do better you have no right to criticize really.
Form, I am good at. I am a good writer. So it can't be that.
Must be content then. Process of elimination and all that...
You seem to object to my use of the word censorship, but since I feel that it is content related it must in fact be censorship.
Wouldn't it be better to have an open forum where all ideas are freely discussed? You know, where people could actually freely choose what they want to read, not read, agree with, or disagree with.
I have never once seen on this site in the comments section where if some one crossed the line they were not quickly told by others that they should take a step back.
You, Scott, or anyone can agree or disagree with anything I write all you want. I enjoy criticism as much as I enjoy praise because I want to know when I am wrong as much as I want to know when I am right.
My suggestion would be to let every post through and allow your users to tell you what needs to be edited or deleted. They will tell you, and then it appears to be an open system of free discussion and thought where all ideas are open to critacism.
Perhaps instead of just having a rating system for individual comments, you could have one for posts to the main site where users could express their agreement or disagreement in a highly visible way where casual viewers could quickly see if some troll posts a story that is damaging to the ideals held by this sight and the site could not be labeled.
You guys seem to want a user created site as long as it conforms to your own views within the realm of Men's activism.
I would just be nice if there was a little more forumness to your user created blog.
Or, you could implement a private message system that at least notifies users when their submissions have not been approved. It would at least make users feel acknowledged. You already have user accounts, it would not be difficult to implement. Even an automated e-mail if you don't want to expand user accounts.
I like this site. I would like to see it grow and that's why I am trying to offer you guys feedback that I think would make this site even better.
Just my thoughts. As always.
What's up?
I'm not sure what's going on, but if possible maybe the admin's can be addressed via email instead of via postings. It is possible posting these can create dissent on the site. There is an "admin email" on the upper left of this page.
(I can understand why Matt posted a response to the initial message). Of course they should not post items submitted by suspected trolls, not that I am pointing any fingers.
Link to photo worked
Not the ugliest feminist I've ever seen..possible on par with Steinem. Faust looks like she was socialized by the patriarchy to be skinny. Maybe someone objectified her when she was young :-)
Can promise you this...
I will be sure to point out your comments to the other MANN admins, Paragon. If they have feedback for you or me, I am sure they'll share it.
Not to further this, but to answer your question
I won't write any more about my little rant and subsequent feedback because you can read my posts already and it is off the topic of discussion.
But I will answer your question/suggestion. I do not wish to create dissent - I like this site and want to see it continue and grow in readership and contributions.
The reason I posted in the comments section was so that everyone could read it. If others share my views about this sites policy they would know they are not alone and that could encourage them to voice their opinions to the administrator as well. That's all. Not trying to sabotage this site at all.
It is a user created site after all and as such should be open to opinions of it's users.