Anthes: Time has come to reconsider Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

"Title IX strives to equalize all opportunities - not just athletic ones - but reached its greatest fame in sports. For one piece of government code, it has achieved great things.

But the jig is up. The sheen is gone. Title IX has run its course. It's time to say goodbye.

Title IX should be thrown away simply because it does not fulfill its purpose anymore. The text of the law prohibits discrimination based on sex, and a whole new round of discrimination is here. This time men are the victims."

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The title says "Time has come to reconsider Titie (sic) IX" - Does the Daily Orange need a new spell checker?

Otherwise it sounds like he's asking us to reconsider a bad porno flick/sequel.

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....just sue any university that doesn't have a Mens Studies and devote funds to it that are proportional to their Womens Studies program.

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